
sâmbătă, 25 mai 2024

News : The Rust Fyrox Game Engine - huge update!

The Fyrox open source game engine written using the Rust programming language, just released Fyrox 0.34. This release is actually pretty jam packed with new features ...
See some examples on the official website.
The Fyrox Engine lead developer named Dmitry Stepanov, former tools programmer at Larian Studios can be found at this twitter account.

News : Reblium remains in beta release.

... from last year. Reblium remains in beta release, check out the official youtube channel.

News : Creating smart bones is easy, but they work great when a rigger like Mohammad adds his talent! ✨

News : How To Draw Alligator Loki.

News : ASA Cross-Platform Mods Spotlight, May 20 - May 24, 2024

News : How to retarget auto-rig pro rig to a MIXAMO animation created with Auto-Rig Pro!

Another robot from Blender Zone.
The main reason I come with another post about this youtube channel is Auto-Rig Pro addon.
This addon start from $30 (Full) Auto-Rig Pro + Smart + Remap + Fbx Export up to $136.50 (Full) 20 Seats.
Prices have been reduced from $40 ... $182.