
luni, 14 august 2023

Blender 3D : Population addon.

In th enext video tutorial you can see how to use the Population addon to simulation crowds in Blender .

News : Godot testing project Godot4MainMenu001 - 001.

The other day I started working with Godot mono version 4.1.1 and C#. In the past I worked with Godot scripts but of the GDScript.
I made a simple range menu as seen in the video.
Today I also added the sound option and you can find it at this branch on the repository on my GitHub account.
This is the C# source for this main menu with a sound feature:
using Godot;
using System;

public partial class menu : Control
	// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
	public override void _Ready()

	// Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
	public override void _Process(double delta)
	private void _on_options_pressed()
		// Replace with function body.
		GD.Print("Option button");
	private void _on_exit_pressed()
		// Replace with function body.
		GD.Print("Exit button");
	private void _on_play_pressed()
		// Replace with function body.
		GD.Print("Play button");
	private void _on_back_pressed()
		// Replace with function body.
		GD.Print("Back button");
	private void _on_check_button_toggled(bool button_pressed)
		// Replace with function body.
		var streamPlayer = GetNode<AudioStreamPlayer2D>("AudioStreamPlayer2D");
		streamPlayer.Stream = GD.Load<AudioStream>("res://ship-radar.wav");
			GD.Print("CheckButton sound : ", button_pressed);
			GD.Print("CheckButton sound : ", button_pressed);
// top level closed

News : Book about aath equations in Unity.

Let’s create simple tools to visualize math equations in Unity.
The book is available on this official page.