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Se afișează postările cu eticheta 2014. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta 2014. Afișați toate postările
joi, 25 decembrie 2014
Grease Pencil with Blender 2.73 Release Candidate 1 (RC 1)
One major upgrade of the Grease Pencil come into Blender 2.73 Release Candidate 1 (RC 1) .
In this video make by by Daniel M. Lara with nickname pepeland we can see how to do it.
This great feature help us to hand-drawn storyboarding in 3D.
joi, 18 decembrie 2014
News: NeoAxis 3D Engine 3.1 Released
The new release is announce by NeoAxis development team:
NeoAxis Group Ltd is glad to announce the release of a new version of the universal environment for 3D project development NeoAxis 3D Engine 3.1. This version brings 2 major new features: the add-on creation possibilities have been extended and you can now embed a web browser easily inside your project UI thanks to the new built-In Web Browser UI widget!
This free development environment can be downloaded from oficial website.
NeoAxis Group Ltd is glad to announce the release of a new version of the universal environment for 3D project development NeoAxis 3D Engine 3.1. This version brings 2 major new features: the add-on creation possibilities have been extended and you can now embed a web browser easily inside your project UI thanks to the new built-In Web Browser UI widget!
This free development environment can be downloaded from oficial website.

Posted by
Cătălin George Feștilă
2014 news,
3d engine,
game engine,
game programing,

About Nvidia FleXes with PhysX effects.
This is a video from youtube about Nvidia FleXes new PhysX effects make by NVIDIA.
This video helped users to understanding all simulations under NVIDIA devices.
GPU-driven engine make all simulations with particle-based physics simulation that lets different effects affect one another.
FleX is Nvidia's GameWorks program working currently in beta stage.
miercuri, 3 decembrie 2014
Your face - the year 2034.
This website will help you to see your future-self.
Just take a picture of yourself, tell your age and gender, and let yourself be guided inside the world of 2034.
luni, 1 decembrie 2014
News: NeoAxis come with news about 3D develoment framework.
The development team of NeoAxis Group come with this news:
NeoAxis Group Ltd is glad to announce that the universal 3D develoment framework NeoAxis 3D Engine is now completely free, as the community has been asking for it. You can freely download the recently published SDK 3.0, which includes all the features previously reserved to Unlimited and Source licences. From now, the engine will developed as free tool. Paid licenses will still give customers access to a bigger part of the engine\'s source code.
Read more: http://www.neoaxis.com/news/neoaxis_3d_engine_is_now_fully_free
NeoAxis Group Ltd is glad to announce that the universal 3D develoment framework NeoAxis 3D Engine is now completely free, as the community has been asking for it. You can freely download the recently published SDK 3.0, which includes all the features previously reserved to Unlimited and Source licences. From now, the engine will developed as free tool. Paid licenses will still give customers access to a bigger part of the engine\'s source code.
Read more: http://www.neoaxis.com/news/

MakeHuman to reconstruction of an egyptian mummy.
The 3D designer artist Cicero Moraes has used MakeHuman for the reconstruction of an egyptian mummy.
You can read more about this here .
The egiptean mummy can be found at Art Museum Riga Bourse webpage. or to facebook page.
The 3d mummy is show us using LG interactive stereoscopic mode.
You can read more about this here .
The egiptean mummy can be found at Art Museum Riga Bourse webpage. or to facebook page.
The 3d mummy is show us using LG interactive stereoscopic mode.
sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 2014
Assassin's Creed Unity not running well on AMD hardware.
Ubisoft blames AMD for the technical issues in Assassins Creed Unity.
See this news from guru3d website : assassins-creed-unity-not-running-well-on-amd-hardware.
See this news from guru3d website : assassins-creed-unity-not-running-well-on-amd-hardware.
sâmbătă, 18 octombrie 2014
Two years and 4.5 million ...
This city was created by Duncan Parcells. An art student interested in interactive design how make this possible over two years of working with Minecraft.
The city can be get from here. Also you can see it bellow:
The city can be get from here. Also you can see it bellow:
marți, 7 octombrie 2014
News: Blender 3D version 2.72
The new Blender 3D software has arrived with new features and tools.
I test it and is a great job make by the Blender 3D team. The splash is great ...
About the application the new features cand be found here.
... or the features that are currently in development:
- GSOC Painting additions
- Pie Menus
- Freestyle Rendering for Cycles
- Rewritten Array Modifier
- Dragging Masks with Handles
- New Drag Handles
- Intersect Tool
- HSL Color Ramps
- Sun Beams Node
- Cycles Reflective and Refractive Caustics
- Cycles experimental GPU Kernel
- Cycles Anamorphic Bokeh.
I like also the Pie menu from user interface :

About news you can see some video here.
Great job.
I test it and is a great job make by the Blender 3D team. The splash is great ...

About the application the new features cand be found here.
... or the features that are currently in development:
- GSOC Painting additions
- Pie Menus
- Freestyle Rendering for Cycles
- Rewritten Array Modifier
- Dragging Masks with Handles
- New Drag Handles
- Intersect Tool
- HSL Color Ramps
- Sun Beams Node
- Cycles Reflective and Refractive Caustics
- Cycles experimental GPU Kernel
- Cycles Anamorphic Bokeh.
I like also the Pie menu from user interface :

About news you can see some video here.
Great job.
luni, 15 septembrie 2014
Cyberpunk 2077 by Platige Images
Using an early prototype 72xDSLR custom capture system, Infinite-Realities® was able to provide an array of expressive, dynamic full body pose scans to help aid in bringing realistic looking humans to life, also provided Scanning and Capture services for CD Projekt Red and Platige Image on their latest Cinematic. Cyberpunk 2077.
See all about this , cyberpunk-2077-by-platige-images .
Posted by
Cătălin George Feștilă
2014 news,
3d software,

sâmbătă, 30 august 2014
MakeHuman 1.0.2 new released.
MakeHuman 1.0.2 released are now available for Suse 12.3, 13.1 and Fedora 19 ,20 .
If you want to install this then follow this link.
If you want to install this then follow this link.
joi, 28 august 2014
GLSL Sandbox
GLSL Sandbox come with news.
New examples about WebGL and GLSL can be found there.
See more at glsl.heroku.com.
New examples about WebGL and GLSL can be found there.
See more at glsl.heroku.com.
Unity Cloud Build on the horizon.
From official Unity I received this newsletter: Unity Cloud Build on the horizon.
Our major announcement at Unite 2014 was something that has the potential to take a massive weight off the shoulders of anyone making games. Automating build generation and putting it in the Cloud can free up a whole ton of resources – making it faster and easier to generate builds and share them with your team. Unity Cloud Build automatically monitors your project's source control repository (with support for Git, Subversion and Perforce) and creates new builds for you – currently on iOS, Android, and the Unity Web Player. Unity Cloud build is currently in closed beta, and we'll be sure to let you know when it's ready. It'll be available on a subscription-based model with a free tier.
Our major announcement at Unite 2014 was something that has the potential to take a massive weight off the shoulders of anyone making games. Automating build generation and putting it in the Cloud can free up a whole ton of resources – making it faster and easier to generate builds and share them with your team. Unity Cloud Build automatically monitors your project's source control repository (with support for Git, Subversion and Perforce) and creates new builds for you – currently on iOS, Android, and the Unity Web Player. Unity Cloud build is currently in closed beta, and we'll be sure to let you know when it's ready. It'll be available on a subscription-based model with a free tier.
Unite 2014 Highlight Reel - Youtube
A showcase of some of excellent Unity authored titles, released and upcoming, as shown during the keynote at 2014 in Seattle. Learn more about Unity: http://unity3d.com
Posted by
Cătălin George Feștilă
2014 news,
game engine,
game programing,

vineri, 22 august 2014
The best autumn games - 2014
The year 2014 will see release of numerous games.
- THE SIMS 4 (PC) – 4 september 2014
- DEAD RISING 3 (PC) – 5 september 2014
- DESTINY (PS4, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) – 9 september 2014
- FIFA 15 (PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One) – 26 september 2014
- FORZA HORIZON 2 (Xbox One, Xbox 360) – 30 september 2014
- MIDDLE-EARTH: SHADOW OF MORDOR (PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One) – 3 october 2014
- ALIEN: ISOLATION (PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One) – 7 october 2014
- DRIVECLUB (PlayStation 4) – 8 october 2014
- BORDERLANDS: THE PRE-SEQUEL (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) – 17 october 2014
- F1 2014 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) – 17 october 2014
- THE EVIL WITHIN (PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One) – 17 october 2014
- CIVILIZATION: BEYOND EARTH (PC) – 24 october 2014
- ASSASSIN’S CREED: UNITY (PC, PS4, Xbox One) – 28 october 2014
- LORDS OF THE FALLEN (PC, PS4, Xbox One) – 31 october 2014
- SUNSET OVERDRIVE (Xbox One) – 31 october 2014
luni, 28 aprilie 2014
News - WHQL version of the Catalyst 14.4 graphics drivers .
AMD has released the WHQL version of the Catalyst 14.4 graphics drivers with the support of the latest Radeon R9 295X2 and brings the full support of OpenGL 4.4.
The complete release notes are available here.
The complete release notes are available here.
luni, 21 aprilie 2014
Blender 3D - Dynamic Paint Waves
Today a make a video about Dynammic Paint Waves.
I use two planes and one cylinder.
First plane has one texture with some text. The next plane is black.
The cylinder make some waves ( using dynamic paint waves) this will show something from plane with texture. The black plane will be into the front of camera. The render image will be just one part of the texture plane.
After that the plane with texture - text will come into the front of camera with some rotation of the plane.
This will make one slide transition of the entire texture and will show us the text.
See the final video :
vineri, 18 aprilie 2014
About the fastest gaming GPU .
The world's fastest gaming GPU, TITAN Z powers spectacular demos of smoke, fire and unbelievable action in Unreal Engine 4 from Epic Games, at GTC 2014, in San Jose, Calif.
joi, 17 aprilie 2014
Blender 3D version 2.7 a .
Blender 2.70a is the latest stable release from the Blender Foundation.
To download it, please select your platform and location.
Blender 2.70a was released on April 11, 2014
The release logs for this release can be found here.
To download it, please select your platform and location.
Blender 2.70a was released on April 11, 2014
The release logs for this release can be found here.
duminică, 13 aprilie 2014
Puppet 2D - skeletal animation tool for Unity 3D.
Puppet 2D is a 2D skeletal animation tool for Unity 3D that allows you to quickly set-up your 2D character for animating.
With this tool you can create 2D skeletons, skin your characters to the bones, and create really easy to use controls that make animating 2D characters a breeze. With Puppet 2D you can quickly create bones to control your characters.
You can create easy to use controls like IK controls that will make it really simple and intuitive to pose your characters. Puppet 2D allows you to convert Unity sprites into polygon meshes that can be skinned to the bones for more subtle mesh deformation.
puppet2d promo from Jamie Niman on Vimeo.
With this tool you can create 2D skeletons, skin your characters to the bones, and create really easy to use controls that make animating 2D characters a breeze. With Puppet 2D you can quickly create bones to control your characters.
You can create easy to use controls like IK controls that will make it really simple and intuitive to pose your characters. Puppet 2D allows you to convert Unity sprites into polygon meshes that can be skinned to the bones for more subtle mesh deformation.
puppet2d promo from Jamie Niman on Vimeo.
Posted by
Cătălin George Feștilă
2014 news,
tips and tricks

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