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2D, 3D, game, games, online game, game development, game engine, programming, OpenGL, Open AI, math, graphics, design, graphic, graphics, game development, game engine, programming, web development, web art, web graphic, arts, tutorial, tutorials,
miercuri, 19 mai 2021
News : SONiC by NVIDIA.
sâmbătă, 22 decembrie 2012
The new OpenNI 2.0.0 SDK
OpenNI can be used with Windows and Linux, both 32 and 64. About OSX, the OpenNI SDK will come soon.
What is OpenNI SDK?
The OpenNI framework is an open source SDK used for the development of 3D sensing middleware libraries and applications.
Read more about OpenNI : here.
Catzilla the new graphics benchmark .
Catzilla is an OpenGL 4 and Direct3D 11 graphics benchmark for Windows and has been developped by Plastic, a Polish demogroup.
The benchmark uses a parallel graphics engine that takes advantage of multi-core CPUs.
The size of this it's a 500 MB.
This benchmark is in beta phases and working with OpenGL 4.0 and DirectX 9 or 11.
You can try it with all the Windows platform (64-bit and 32-bit) Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 .
You can download the installer from here.
luni, 17 decembrie 2012
The new 3D game engine NeoAxis Engine version 1.3
Seam the new version received a number of new features along with changed license terms for a Source Edition of the engine.
Now license cost depends on the number of developers as stated below:
- Personal license (for one developer) - 2895 USD
- Team license (2-5 developers) - 9800 USD
- Unlimited license (6 and more developers) - 29500 USD

miercuri, 28 noiembrie 2012
Source code from Windows 7 and 8: WM_GESTURE , WM_TOUCH , WM_POINTER
This a good news for the developers , Microsoft share source code to make available Touch feature in Windows desktop.
This sample demonstrates how to integrate touch into an application designed for a typical keyboard/mouse paradigm. Functionality has been added for many estures, showing how to map touch interactions to typical mouse interactions along with adding new gesture-only behavior such as two-finger rotate to rotate the truck and two-finger tap to reset it. The sample uses the Windows 7 WM_GESTURE API to provide the touch support and is supported on Windows 7 and Windows 8 with and without a touch screen.
You can get source code and demo to try it.

duminică, 14 octombrie 2012
Blender 3D and the 2012 Suzanne Awards
The Blender Conference Animation Festival shows short films and visualizations reflecting the best creative work done with Blender in the past year. We invite film makers, artists, animators, designers or scientists to submit their work.
The nominations for the 2012 Suzanne Awards have been selected.
See more on the website suzanne.myblender.org.

miercuri, 3 octombrie 2012
Blender 2.64 - the Open Source VFX pipeline
After 3 months of hard working , the new Blender 3D it's ready.
The Blender Foundation and online developer community is proud to present Blender 2.64. This release was targeted at improving Blender for the Mango open movie project, along with integrating branches and patches from the past years.

marți, 2 octombrie 2012
News about OpenMW .
The new open source implementation of the role playing game Morrowind it's come today.
The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.18.0! Release packages for Ubuntu are now available via our Launchpad PPA. Release packages for other platforms are available on our Download page. This version introduces a myriad of new features, including Level-Up, Key re-binding, Spell buying, eating ingredients, using Keys to open things, and much more. Read on for the full changelog.You can read more about this on website.

vineri, 28 septembrie 2012
Tears of Steel - created using Blender 3D software.
A new film program created with Blender 3D.
The movie it's an project funding by Blender Foundation, Netherlands Film Fund, Cinegrid Amsterdam
You can read more about this project here.
Only 34 euro ... see the content of the first DVD here.
Some small problems seem to be for some users.
The team tell us: DVD Sponsors
As usual we will organize a DVD pre-sale campaign, giving everyone the opportunity to get their name mentioned in the main film credit scroll (for those who purchase and pay before the project starts) or in the a special DVD credits scroll (for those who purchase and pay before the film premiere).
Past experience has taught us that such credit is being perceived as very valuable, we will make more efforts to ensure we don’t miss a name this time!
... and the users reply:
Hey guys, I bought two DVD’s and can’t find my name anywhere. Any help?
Read more about these complaints.
luni, 17 septembrie 2012
jPCT is another free 3D engine for Java and Android
jPCT-AE is a port of jPCT to Android (AE is from Android Edition). Like any port it's not just a new renderer for the normal version of jPCT to be more suitable for the Android platform.
Some features :
- optimized for the Android platform
- supports OpenGL ES 1.x and 2.0 on Android 1.5 or higher
- loads 3DS, OBJ, MD2, ASC and serialized files
- keyframe animations (taken from a MD2-file or self defined)
- skeletal animations via raft's Bones API
- shader support via GLSL for OpenGL ES 2.0
- vertex, ambient, diffuse and specular lighting
- build-in primitives like cones, cubes, spheres...
- render to texture
- texture compression
- collision detection (ray-polygon, sphere-polygon and ellipsoid-polygon)
- generates vertex-, face- and tangent normals automatically
- pixel perfect, geometry based picking
- transparency and fog effects
- billboarding
- lens flares
- single pass multi texturing using up to 4 texture stages (if hardware supports it)
- support for VBOs, FBOs and vertex arrays
Screenshots can be view here.

duminică, 9 septembrie 2012
0 A.D. Alpha 11 Kronos
The release of 0 A.D. Alpha 11 Kronos has received. This alpha features new Celtic factions, many improvements to the graphics, functional gates, a new sound system, improved AI and more!
Read here.duminică, 2 septembrie 2012
Blender Conference 2012
Blender Conference 2012 - it will take three days this year (October 12-13-14, 2012).
The place it's Amsterdam.
Also, the registration fees give access to all events and are including drinks and daily lunch.
Anyway ... All you need is on blender website.
Tips and tricks: use your tablet to see webgl output.
You have an old pc and also you want to make WebGL stuff.
Also, you have one big problem and this is about your video card and browser.
And this problem it's:... don't want to show the result of your WebGL.
The solution is your tablet.
Many tablets have a good video card also you can use firefox web browser.
I try this demos and all working fine.
My tablet has a MALI GPU with 400 Mhz with 2D, 3D processor.
If you have ideas about how to use tablets to solve things, just send or comment here.
miercuri, 29 august 2012
First 84 inch TV with 4k format and passive 3D viewing with SimulView
Sony has announced its first 84-inch (2.1336 meters) television featuring the new 4K resolution.
This TV will come with 4K format.That it's already in use in cinemas across the world.
It's the first time when Sony come with features like passive 3D viewing.
The set’s price and availability date are still unknown , but as a point of price comparison at this size, only a 1080p TV like Sharp’s 90-inch LC-90LE745U costs $11,000.
Why it's good news for us? The passive 3D technology in the XBR-84X900 called SimulView and available on several game titles for the PlayStation 3.
This allows two players to use the same screen to play multiplayer games without splitting the screen.
So each player has to wear the 3D glasses so they can follow their side of the gameplay.
Source articleThe new game Clockwork Empires : Windows, OS X, and Linux platforms.
You can read news about this game on this website.
If you want to see some screenshots see this article.
vineri, 24 august 2012
Bitdefender: Lack of inspiration or plagiarism ?
From the official site we saw this:
Bitdefender made its entrance on the international market when opening its own offices in Germany, Spain, USA and the UK.
This big leader position in the antivirus software and data security industry.
The question is:
Does suffer from lack of inspiration or plagiarism?
Why? See next images :
The symbolism can come from the province of Dacia.
The picture above shows their flag.
It was a province that was conquered by the roman empire only half.
Their software protects our PC in the same way ?
joi, 23 august 2012
Design your house online .
This is a good way to make your house of dream. Is simple and is free to do it.
The website have many tools to help you to create a beautifull house. Also you can see your house in a 3D enviroment.
The website with this feature is this.
See next video from youtube.
vineri, 10 august 2012
OpenGL Driver support for Linux and Windows.
NVIDIA has released a set of OpenGL 4.3 drivers for Windows and for Linux.
The driver support provide beta support for OpenGL 4.3 and GLSL 4.30 on capable hardware.
For Linux, the version number R304.15 is not the same with the drivers for Windows :R305.53.
All ARB extension specifications, can be downloaded here: this page.
For OpenGL 4 capable hardware, these new extensions are provided: ARB_compute_shader ,ARB_multi_draw_indirect ,ARB_shader_image_size ,ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object
You can download all drivers from here.
sâmbătă, 4 august 2012
Assassin's Creed III cu noul motor grafic AnvilNext
Ubisoft a lansat un nou trailer pentru Assassin's Creed III, de această dată dedicat noului motor grafic folosit de acest joc - AnvilNext. Graţie acestei tehnologii proprietare, Assassin's Creed III va beneficia de animaţii foarte realiste (peste 1000 de animaţii noi au fost înregistrate doar pentru personajul principal), spaţii deschise imense, bătălii navale, efecte meteo dependendete de anotimp, peste 2000 de NPC-uri în aceeaşi scenă şi multe altele.
Stire preluata de aici.
luni, 30 iulie 2012
10 top tablets 2012 by HillsBoyZ
If you want to buy one tablet , just see next video make by HillsBoyZ:
I'm not agree with the first place iPad 2. Why ? You must see this: