
duminică, 22 octombrie 2017

News: C# IN GODOT game engine.

The development team come with this news:
In order to bring C# programming to Godot, we are embedding the Mono runtime into the engine. As of alpha2, Godot is using Mono 5.2 and C# 7.0 is supported.
I will write more posts about the internals and how things work in the future but, for this one, I would like to focus on introducing the language and how to write Godot scripts with it.

One example of script it's that script class show by the development team :
// Coin.cs
using Godot; // Namespace that contains all Godot types

// Class Coin has same name as its file. Godot will detect it
public class Coin : Node
    public override void _Ready()
        GD.Print("Hello, Godot!");
Read more about this at official website .