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Se afișează postările cu eticheta tutorial. Afișați toate postările

marți, 4 februarie 2025

Blender 3D : fix deformation Array of Curve modifier.

Possible bug ...
I noticed after creating an Array with an object and a NurbsPath object in Blender 3D version 4.3.2 and after the classic basic operations aligned, scaled and applied all transformations of these two objects, distortions appear when applying the Curve modifier to the Array object. I do not know the cause; it is possible a bug. It can be solved if you convert the NurbsPath to a new type of Curve object from the main menu Object - Convert - Curve, then applying the Deform Curve modifier will not deform the Array object.

sâmbătă, 11 ianuarie 2025

Blender 3D : How to Extract Marvel Rivals 3D Model and Use in Blender.

For those who are Marvel Rivals fans or study gaming files, here is a useful video tutorial.

joi, 2 ianuarie 2025

News : Roblox Studio changes and access places

Roblox comes with new features into Roblox Editor.
One is the the palaces area witch is Private - security reason by team developmen, and you not see this type of scene into default Roblox Studio Editor.
If you want to edit one of this you need to use this way, see this screenshot from the official webpage.

duminică, 29 decembrie 2024

Blender 3D : ... all available nodes !

An old surce code in python for Blender 3D to see available nodes :
import bpy

node_tree = bpy.context.object.active_material.node_tree

location_x = 0
location_y = 0

for type in dir(bpy.types):
    real_type = getattr(bpy.types, type)
    if issubclass(real_type, bpy.types.ShaderNode):
            node =
            node.width = 250
            node.location = (location_x, location_y)
            location_x += 300
            if location_x > 3000:
                location_x = 0
                location_y -= 600

duminică, 1 decembrie 2024

Inkscape : watercolor effect on inkscape version 1.4 .

... the watercolor effect in inkscape can be found in the main menu : Filters - Textures - Watercolor.
Just draw a shape an then select the filter.
Use Filters - Filter Editor ... to edit the filter, see this image:

joi, 21 noiembrie 2024

News : ... test with the Tascade agent using custom data.

Today I tried to build an agent in taskade using my data.
I wanted to see if I could create SVG files using the data I entered.
I used a link and this PDF file as agent training data.
After training, I asked them to create an SVG file for me.
Here is the result:

miercuri, 20 noiembrie 2024

FASM : simple bootloader source code with menu .

This is the source code with a boot menu and can be tested with qemu emulator.
I need to use the Sonet 3.5 artificial inteligence to search infos and make this source code better, but I learn assembly in the past.
The compile commands of the source code:
mythcat@localhost:~/fasm$ ./fasm.x64
flat assembler  version 1.73.32
mythcat@localhost:~/fasm$ ./fasm.x64 bootloader.asm bootloader.bin
flat assembler  version 1.73.32  (16384 kilobytes memory, x64)
2 passes, 512 bytes.
The test with qemu tool:
mythcat@localhost:~/fasm$ qemu-system-x86_64 -drive format=raw,file=bootloader.bin
Let's see the source code:
; Simple Bootloader with Menu for QEMU
; Written in FASM

org 0x7C00

format binary

    ; Clear the screen
    xor ax, ax
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov ah, 0x0
    int 0x10

    ; Display the menu
    call display_menu

    ; Wait for key press
    call wait_for_input

    ; Check key pressed
    cmp al, '1'
    je handle_option1
    cmp al, '2'
    je handle_option2

    ; Invalid option, restart
    jmp main_loop

    ; Option 1 selected
    mov si, option1_msg
    call display_message
    call wait_for_input  ; Wait for any key
    jmp start           ; Return to menu

    ; Option 2 selected
    mov si, option2_msg
    call display_message
    call wait_for_input  ; Wait for any key
    jmp start           ; Return to menu

    ; Display the menu
    mov si, menu
    call print_string

    ; Wait for a key press
    xor ax, ax
    int 0x16

    ; Print string at DS:SI
    mov ah, 0x0E
    test al, al
    jz @f
    int 0x10
    jmp @b

    ; Print message at DS:SI
    call print_string

menu db 'Simple Bootloader Menu', 13, 10
     db '1. Option 1', 13, 10
     db '2. Option 2', 13, 10
     db 'Select an option: ', 0

option1_msg db 13, 10, 'You selected Option 1!', 13, 10
           db 'Press any key to return to menu...', 13, 10, 0

option2_msg db 13, 10, 'You selected Option 2!', 13, 10
           db 'Press any key to return to menu...', 13, 10, 0

rb 510-($-$$)
db 0x55, 0xAA
This is the result:

joi, 3 octombrie 2024

Pydroid 3 android application for python ...

The Pydroid3 android application is the best way to test and run python scripts.
I install python packages with the install option, the pip command on terminal comes with errors for same python package.
I used the free version but if you pay for monthly or lifetime then you can have more features.
Same team come with android applications to have add more features, see these IIEC team appplicatons.

duminică, 1 septembrie 2024

News : FreeBSD in 100 Seconds.

... I tested a long time ago..., an old Live FreeBSD from an IT Romanian magazine. It is very fast and comes with a great graphic user interface.

joi, 15 august 2024

CodePen : Home RoughJS and Wired elements example .

luni, 12 august 2024

FASM : play a wav file with assembly programming language.

... this source code in FASM will play a hexa file using a window with two buttons, see my comments to deal with 'how to do it' ... :
; sound player example , tested with tada.wav from windows os
; convert wav file with
; online tool
; to text from tool , then add 'db ' in the front of text file like this:
; db 0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46,
; this : 0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, is header for RIFF WAV file format

format PE GUI 4.0
entry start

include 'INCLUDE\'

ID_CAPTION         = 101
ID_MESSAGE         = 102
ID_ICONERROR       = 201
ID_TOPMOST         = 301

section '.text' code readable executable


        invoke  GetModuleHandle,0
        invoke  DialogBoxParam,eax,37,HWND_DESKTOP,DialogProc,0
        invoke ExitProcess,0

proc DialogProc hwnddlg,msg,wparam,lparam
        push    ebx esi edi
        cmp     [msg],WM_INITDIALOG
        je      .wminitdialog
        cmp     [msg],WM_COMMAND
        je      .wmcommand
        cmp     [msg],WM_CLOSE
        je      .wmclose
        xor     eax,eax
        jmp     .finish

        jmp     .processed
        cmp     [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + IDCANCEL    ; stop
        je      .player_stop

        cmp     [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + IDOK
        je      .player_play

        jmp     .processed

        invoke play, NULL, NULL, NULL     ; stop
        jmp     .processed

        invoke play, sndFile, NULL, 0x0004 or 0x0001 ; 0x0004 = SND_MEMORY + ASYNC = 0x0001
        jmp     .processed

        invoke  EndDialog,[hwnddlg],0

        mov     eax,1
        pop     edi esi ebx

section '.bss' readable writeable

  sndFile :
           ;db 'Sound.wav',0
  include '';
section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

  import winmm,\
          play, 'PlaySound'

  import kernel,\

  import user,\

section '.rsrc' resource data readable

  directory RT_DIALOG,dialogs

  resource dialogs,\

  dialog demonstration,'SoundPlayer / _ (typedef)',70,76,110,30,WS_CAPTION+WS_POPUP+WS_SYSMENU+DS_MODALFRAME
    dialogitem 'BUTTON','Play',IDOK,10,10,45,15,WS_VISIBLE
    dialogitem 'BUTTON','Stop',IDCANCEL,54,10,45,15,WS_VISIBLE

sâmbătă, 10 august 2024

FASM : take a screenshot with assembly programming language.

From my old assembly projects, this is a source code that take an screenshot of your display.
format PE GUI 4.0

include 'INCLUDE\'

struct GdiplusStartupInput
  GdiplusVersion	   dd ?
  DebugEventCallback	   dd ?
  SuppressBackgroundThread dd ?
  SuppressExternalCodecs   dd ?

struct ImageCodecInfo
  Clsid 	    db 16 dup ?
  FormatID	    db 16 dup ?
  CodecName	    dd ?
  DllName	    dd ?
  FormatDescription dd ?
  FilenameExtension dd ?
  MimeType	    dd ?
  Flags 	    dd ?
  Version	    dd ?
  SigCount	    dd ?
  SizeSize	    dd ?
  SigPattern	    dd ?
  SigMask	    dd ?

section '.text' code readable executable

entry $

	invoke	GdiplusStartup,token,input,NULL
	test	eax,eax
	jnz	exit

	invoke	GdipGetImageEncodersSize,encoders_count,encoders_size
	test	eax,eax
	jnz	gdiplus_shutdown
	invoke	VirtualAlloc,0,[encoders_size],MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE
	test	eax,eax
	jz	gdiplus_shutdown
	mov	ebx,eax
	invoke	GdipGetImageEncoders,[encoders_count],[encoders_size],ebx
	test	eax,eax
	jnz	gdiplus_shutdown
	mov	esi,[ebx+ImageCodecInfo.MimeType]
	mov	edi,encoder_mimetype
	mov	ecx,(encoder_clsid-encoder_mimetype) shr 1
	repe	cmpsw
	je	encoder_found
	add	ebx,sizeof.ImageCodecInfo
	dec	[encoders_count]
	jnz	scan_encoders
	; no encoder found
	jmp	gdiplus_shutdown
	lea	esi,[ebx+ImageCodecInfo.Clsid]
	mov	edi,encoder_clsid
	mov	ecx,4
	rep	movsd
	invoke	VirtualFree,ebx,0,MEM_RELEASE

	test	eax,eax
	jz	gdiplus_shutdown
	mov	esi,eax
	invoke	GetSystemMetrics,SM_CYSCREEN
	mov	[screen_height],eax
	invoke	GetSystemMetrics,SM_CXSCREEN
	mov	[screen_width],eax
	invoke	CreateCompatibleBitmap,esi,[screen_width],[screen_height]
	test	eax,eax
	jz	release_desktop_dc
	mov	ebx,eax
	invoke	CreateCompatibleDC,esi
	test	eax,eax
	jz	delete_bitmap
	mov	edi,eax
	invoke	SelectObject,edi,ebx
	test	eax,eax
	jz	delete_dc
	invoke	BitBlt,edi,0,0,[screen_width],[screen_height],esi,0,0,SRCCOPY
	test	eax,eax
	jz	delete_dc

	invoke	GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP,ebx,NULL,gdip_bitmap
	test	eax,eax
	jnz	delete_dc

	invoke	GdipSaveImageToFile,[gdip_bitmap],file_name,encoder_clsid,NULL

	invoke	GdipDisposeImage,[gdip_bitmap]
	invoke	DeleteObject,edi
	invoke	DeleteObject,ebx
	invoke	ReleaseDC,HWND_DESKTOP,esi
	invoke	GdiplusShutdown,[token]
	invoke	ExitProcess,0

section '.data' data readable writeable

  file_name du 'test.jpg',0

  encoder_mimetype du 'image/jpeg',0
	   .length = $ - encoder_mimetype
  encoder_clsid db 16 dup ?

  input GdiplusStartupInput 1
  token dd ?
  memdc dd ?
  gdip_bitmap dd ?

  encoders_count dd ?
  encoders_size dd ?

  screen_width dd ?
  screen_height dd ?

section '.rdata' data readable

data import

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\
	  gdiplus, 'GDIPLUS.DLL'

  include 'INCLUDE\API\'
  include 'INCLUDE\API\'
  include 'INCLUDE\API\'

  import  gdiplus,\

end data