
miercuri, 27 septembrie 2017

Blender 3D - Open Shading Language tutorial.

Today, I will show you how to use the Open Shading Language with Blender 3D version 2.79.
Use the Scripting area from Screen layout and Cycles for rendering.
Select from Render tab and check the option:Open Shading Language.
Add your object to test this tool.
For example you can use the default Cube.
Add a material to this object.
The Scripting area from Screen layout come with editor text.
Use Templates - > Open Shading Language -> Empty Shader and add this OSL script:
shader marble (color Col = .5, float freq = 1.0,  
           output color result = 0)  
float sum = 0;  
float freq_value = freq;  

point pixel_shader = transform ("object", P);  
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)   
    sum = sum + 1/freq_value * abs(.5 - noise( 4 * freq_value * pixel_shader)) ;  
    freq_value = 2 * freq_value;  
result = Col * sum;  
Save this script into your folder . Add a OSL script interface into Node Editor using : Add -> Script -> Script.
This will come with a open dialog icon to add your OSL script.
Link result to Color from your material Diffuse BSDF. All this steps I tell you is on the next image: