... it's a strategy game, I haven't played it and I don't think I'm going to play it, but I saw someone older than me playing it when the first version came out... I guess it's good.
2D, 3D, game, games, online game, game development, game engine, programming, OpenGL, Open AI, math, graphics, design, graphic, graphics, game development, game engine, programming, web development, web art, web graphic, arts, tutorial, tutorials,
Se afișează postările cu eticheta news. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta news. Afișați toate postările
vineri, 28 martie 2025
News : Freja | New Hero Gameplay Trailer | Overwatch 2 - Season 16 on April 22 !
... Try out Freja during her limited-time trial today through Mar 24 before her official arrival in .
Posted by
Cătălin George Feștilă
2025 news,
Blizzard Entertainment,
Overwatch 2,

News : many videos on Stunlock Studios !
We’re crafting groundbreaking, action-packed games with the players as our focus. Inspired by the simplicity of classic games, we add innovative ideas and creative mechanics with one purpose in mind - to give you an instantly exciting experience.
... more on the StunlockStudios - youtube channel .
News : Babylon.js now is on 8.0 ...
... almost a year ago Babylon javascript engine was at version 6.0, these days it reached version 8.0:
joi, 27 martie 2025
miercuri, 26 martie 2025
News : ... new changes on Taskade tool - Taskade AI Kits - no code required !?
... How to Use Taskade Automations: Triggers, Actions & Step-by-Step Setup (No Code Required) ...
... from 7 march they have AI Kits ...
News : Introducing AI Agents in FlutterFlow.
I tested Flutter a bit, I also found blocks on the web of some users, it is in development ...
marți, 25 martie 2025
News : Towers of Aghasba Update | New Ride, Farm and Trade in Patch 10 [STEAM/PS5 SALE]
Patch 10 has arrived in Towers of Aghasba! Discover new mounts, explore fresh points of interest, build your farm with the improved farming system, and dive into the expanded merchant economy.
News : Google Apps Script - find duplicate files in google drive.
For today, a simple GAScript source code to add into spreadsheet the duplicate files from Google drive.
This Google Apps Script finds duplicate files in Google Drive by comparing file sizes and optionally file types. It then displays the results in a spreadsheet with detailed information about each duplicate file. The script collects information about all files in Drive. Files are grouped by their size and optionally file type. Any group with more than one file is considered a set of duplicates
These duplicate sets are displayed in the spreadsheet
- checkDuplicatesInDrive(): Main function that searches your entire Google Drive for duplicates
- checkDuplicatesInFolder(): Alternative function that searches a specific folder and its subfolders
- findDuplicateFiles(): Core function that identifies duplicate files based on size and type
- addDuplicatesToSheet(): Adds the found duplicates to a spreadsheet
I used artificial inteligence and this help me much ...
* Main function to check files in the root folder and add duplicates to the active spreadsheet
function checkDuplicatesInDrive() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
// Clear the sheet and set up headers
sheet.appendRow(["Group", "File Name", "Size", "Type", "File Path", "Date Created", "Last Updated", "URL"]);
sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, 8).setFontWeight("bold").setBackground("#f3f3f3");
// Find all duplicates
const duplicates = findDuplicateFiles(true);
// Check if any duplicates were found
if (Object.keys(duplicates).length === 0) {
sheet.appendRow(["No duplicate files found"]);
sheet.autoResizeColumns(1, 8);
// Add duplicates to the sheet
addDuplicatesToSheet(duplicates, sheet);
// Auto-resize columns
sheet.autoResizeColumns(1, 8);
* Adds duplicate files to the specified sheet
function addDuplicatesToSheet(duplicates, sheet) {
let groupNumber = 1;
let rowIndex = 2;
let totalDuplicateFiles = 0;
for (const key in duplicates) {
const files = duplicates[key];
totalDuplicateFiles += files.length;
files.forEach((file, index) => {
// Get file path
const filePath = getFilePath(file.id);
// Add hyperlink to the file URL
sheet.getRange(rowIndex, 8).setFormula(`=HYPERLINK("${file.url}","Open File")`);
// Add summary at the bottom - only if we have duplicates
if (totalDuplicateFiles > 0) {
sheet.appendRow([`Found ${totalDuplicateFiles} duplicate files in ${groupNumber - 1} groups.`]);
return totalDuplicateFiles;
* Gets the file path for a given file ID
function getFilePath(fileId) {
try {
const file = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId);
const parents = file.getParents();
if (parents.hasNext()) {
const parent = parents.next();
return getFolderPath(parent) + "/" + file.getName();
} else {
return "/" + file.getName();
} catch (e) {
return "Path not available";
* Gets the folder path for a given folder
function getFolderPath(folder) {
try {
const parents = folder.getParents();
if (!parents.hasNext()) {
return "/" + folder.getName();
const parent = parents.next();
return getFolderPath(parent) + "/" + folder.getName();
} catch (e) {
return "/Unknown";
* Finds duplicate files in Google Drive based on file size and optionally file type.
* @param {boolean} considerFileType Whether to consider file type when finding duplicates (default: true)
* @param {string} folderId Optional folder ID to search in. If not provided, searches in the entire Drive.
* @return {Object} An object containing groups of duplicate files
function findDuplicateFiles(considerFileType = true, folderId = null) {
// Create a map to store files by their size (and optionally type)
const fileMap = {};
// Get files to check
let files;
if (folderId) {
const folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
files = folder.getFiles();
} else {
files = DriveApp.getFiles();
// Process each file
while (files.hasNext()) {
const file = files.next();
// Skip Google Docs, Sheets, etc. as they don't have a fixed size
if (file.getSize() === 0) continue;
const fileSize = file.getSize();
const mimeType = file.getMimeType();
// Create a key based on file size and optionally type
let key = fileSize.toString();
if (considerFileType) {
key += '_' + mimeType;
// Add file to the map
if (!fileMap[key]) {
fileMap[key] = [];
id: file.getId(),
name: file.getName(),
size: fileSize,
mimeType: mimeType,
url: file.getUrl(),
dateCreated: file.getDateCreated(),
lastUpdated: file.getLastUpdated()
// Filter out unique files (groups with only one file)
const duplicates = {};
for (const key in fileMap) {
if (fileMap[key].length > 1) {
duplicates[key] = fileMap[key];
return duplicates;
* Alternative function to check files in a specific folder and its subfolders
function checkDuplicatesInFolder() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
// Clear the sheet and set up headers
sheet.appendRow(["Group", "File Name", "Size", "Type", "File Path", "Date Created", "Last Updated", "URL"]);
sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, 8).setFontWeight("bold").setBackground("#f3f3f3");
// Collect all files from the folder and subfolders
var fileMap = {};
var rootFolder = DriveApp.getRootFolder(); // Change this to your specific folder if needed
collectFilesFromFolder(rootFolder, fileMap);
// Filter out unique files
const duplicates = {};
for (const key in fileMap) {
if (fileMap[key].length > 1) {
duplicates[key] = fileMap[key];
// Check if any duplicates were found
if (Object.keys(duplicates).length === 0) {
sheet.appendRow(["No duplicate files found"]);
sheet.autoResizeColumns(1, 8);
// Add duplicates to the sheet
addDuplicatesToSheet(duplicates, sheet);
// Auto-resize columns
sheet.autoResizeColumns(1, 8);
* Recursively collects files from a folder and its subfolders
function collectFilesFromFolder(folder, fileMap, considerFileType = true) {
// Process files in this folder
var files = folder.getFiles();
while (files.hasNext()) {
const file = files.next();
// Skip Google Docs, Sheets, etc. as they don't have a fixed size
if (file.getSize() === 0) continue;
const fileSize = file.getSize();
const mimeType = file.getMimeType();
// Create a key based on file size and optionally type
let key = fileSize.toString();
if (considerFileType) {
key += '_' + mimeType;
// Add file to the map
if (!fileMap[key]) {
fileMap[key] = [];
id: file.getId(),
name: file.getName(),
size: fileSize,
mimeType: mimeType,
url: file.getUrl(),
dateCreated: file.getDateCreated(),
lastUpdated: file.getLastUpdated()
// Process subfolders
var subfolders = folder.getFolders();
while (subfolders.hasNext()) {
var subfolder = subfolders.next();
collectFilesFromFolder(subfolder, fileMap, considerFileType);
* Helper function to format file size in a human-readable format
function formatFileSize(bytes) {
if (bytes < 1024) return bytes + " bytes";
else if (bytes < 1048576) return (bytes / 1024).toFixed(2) + " KB";
else if (bytes < 1073741824) return (bytes / 1048576).toFixed(2) + " MB";
else return (bytes / 1073741824).toFixed(2) + " GB";
* Creates a new Google Spreadsheet with the duplicate files report
function createDuplicateFilesSpreadsheet() {
const duplicates = findDuplicateFiles(true);
// Create a new spreadsheet
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.create("Duplicate Files Report - " + new Date().toLocaleString());
const sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
// Set up headers
sheet.appendRow(["Group", "File Name", "Size", "Type", "File Path", "Date Created", "Last Updated", "URL"]);
// Format header row
sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, 8).setFontWeight("bold").setBackground("#f3f3f3");
// Check if any duplicates were found
if (Object.keys(duplicates).length === 0) {
sheet.appendRow(["No duplicate files found"]);
sheet.autoResizeColumns(1, 8);
return ss.getUrl();
// Add duplicates to the sheet
addDuplicatesToSheet(duplicates, sheet);
// Auto-resize columns
sheet.autoResizeColumns(1, 8);
Logger.log(`Spreadsheet created: ${ss.getUrl()}`);
return ss.getUrl();
See the result into the spreadsheet:

Posted by
Cătălin George Feștilă
2025 news,
Google Apps Script,
open source,
source code,

luni, 24 martie 2025
News : Shadertoy to Lens Studio Code Node 5.0 Conversion Guide - GitHub project.
I used shadertoy web tool and is good to understand a part of math ...
You can find a Shadertoy to Lens Studio Code Node 5.0 Conversion Guide from shadertoy to Lens Studio on this GitHub project.
News : Lens Studio for AR.
I just see this tool named Lens Studio , but I don't have hardware for testing the AR. The official website.
Whether you are new or an experienced creator in 2D, 3D, coding, or other, Lens Studio provides a great way to learn, build, and share your work in AR. Building in Lens Studio allows you to create visually rich, interactive experiences that work on both Android, iOS, and desktops for a global audience unlockable via a link, Snapcode, or within the Snapchat Lens Explorer.
duminică, 23 martie 2025
News : Autopsy Simulator | Console Announcement Trailer.
... oldest from three days ago ... another video from the Team17 - youtube channel :
vineri, 21 martie 2025
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