... the online Godot 4.3.stable.official works great.
Note: You can add your zipped project by using the drag-and-drop browser feature!
Then you can edit the project like any project, some export features can missing:
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import bpy
node_tree = bpy.context.object.active_material.node_tree
location_x = 0
location_y = 0
for type in dir(bpy.types):
real_type = getattr(bpy.types, type)
if issubclass(real_type, bpy.types.ShaderNode):
node = node_tree.nodes.new(type)
node.width = 250
node.location = (location_x, location_y)
location_x += 300
if location_x > 3000:
location_x = 0
location_y -= 600