
miercuri, 29 august 2012

The new game Clockwork Empires : Windows, OS X, and Linux platforms.

August 27th, 2012 – Gaslamp Games, Inc., independent game developers and makers of the critically acclaimed Dungeons of Dredmor, are pleased to announce their new title, Clockwork Empires, for the Windows, OS X, and Linux platforms.
You can read news about this game on this website.
If you want to see some screenshots see this article.

vineri, 24 august 2012

Bitdefender: Lack of inspiration or plagiarism ?

From the official site we saw this:

Bitdefender made its entrance on the international market when opening its own offices in Germany, Spain, USA and the UK.

This big leader position in the antivirus software and data security industry.

The question is:

Does suffer from lack of inspiration or plagiarism?

Why? See next images :

The symbolism can come from the province of Dacia.

The picture above shows their flag.

It was a province that was conquered by the roman empire only half.

Their software protects our PC in the same way ?

joi, 23 august 2012

Design your house online .

This is a good way to make your house of dream. Is simple and is free to do it.

The website have many tools to help you to create a beautifull house. Also you can see your house in a 3D enviroment.

The website with this feature is this.

See next video from youtube.

vineri, 10 august 2012

OpenGL Driver support for Linux and Windows.

NVIDIA has released a set of OpenGL 4.3 drivers for Windows and for Linux.

The driver support provide beta support for OpenGL 4.3 and GLSL 4.30 on capable hardware.

For Linux, the version number R304.15 is not the same with the drivers for Windows :R305.53.

All ARB extension specifications, can be downloaded here: this page.

For OpenGL 4 capable hardware, these new extensions are provided: ARB_compute_shader ,ARB_multi_draw_indirect ,ARB_shader_image_size ,ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object

You can download all drivers from here.

sâmbătă, 4 august 2012

Assassin's Creed III cu noul motor grafic AnvilNext

Ubisoft a lansat un nou trailer pentru Assassin's Creed III, de această dată dedicat noului motor grafic folosit de acest joc - AnvilNext. Graţie acestei tehnologii proprietare, Assassin's Creed III va beneficia de animaţii foarte realiste (peste 1000 de animaţii noi au fost înregistrate doar pentru personajul principal), spaţii deschise imense, bătălii navale, efecte meteo dependendete de anotimp, peste 2000 de NPC-uri în aceeaşi scenă şi multe altele.

Stire preluata de aici.