
sâmbătă, 11 septembrie 2021

AR Tagging with ViewAR

See how you can use augmented reality tagging by ViewAR to bring your store online and provide a virtual tour within 24 hours.
A Matterport Scanner, a tripod, and a smartphone, is all you need to create an online version of your physical store and have all the benefits that come with it. All that in less than one day.
AR Tagging uses optical character recognition (OCR) looking for text, barcodes or QR codes. AR Tagging will automatically find the desired characters from the label using defined filters, create a point of interest and save its position to your scan.
ViewAR also provides a better customer experience for your visitors on site. Help your customers find the right product or present special offerings directly on their smartphone.
If your customers want to see a product, they can simply be guided there with our augmented reality indoor navigation app.

joi, 9 septembrie 2021

Windwalker Echo from Unreal Engine 5 and a speak demo from askNK.

Windwalker Echo Epic Games - Aug 30, 2021
Windwalker Echo, fresh off her starring roles in Lumen in the Land of Nanite, Valley of the Ancient, and Slay is now available as a standalone character asset for both Unreal Engine 4 and 5., see this webpage.
You can see a speech demonstration from askNK with this character.

miercuri, 8 septembrie 2021

News : Nvidia in the field of health.

The simulations revealed and helped solve various problems. Image processing is very complex for the human brain, which is why dedicated applications are used. An example in the field of health and graphic processing.
They show us and explain the implications in using these technical possibilities:
AstraZeneca is powering modern #machinelearning (ML) and AI to accelerate drug discovery with Cambridge-1, training models to learn the grammar of chemistry, and processing whole slide digital pathology images.

duminică, 5 septembrie 2021

MetaHuman Facial Animation by Reallusion.

Animating your MetaHumans fast and easy using all or any mix of iClone's 4 techniques:

sâmbătă, 4 septembrie 2021

Online tool shader-playground.

Here's an online tool for shaders.
This time it is a development with multiple shader specific languages and these compilers: ANGLE, Clspv, DXC, FXC, Glslang, hlsl2glslfork, HLSLcc, HLSLParser, Mali offline compiler, Naga, PowerVR compiler, Radon GPU Analyzer (RGA), Rust GPU, Slang, SPIRV-Cross, SPIRV-Cross - Intel fork with ISPC backend, SPIRV-Tools, spirv-as, Tint, XShaderCompiler.

vineri, 3 septembrie 2021

Blender 3D : Grease Pencil Samples.

You can see here many free samp created with this tool.