
Se afișează postările cu eticheta Godot. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta Godot. Afișați toate postările

marți, 12 septembrie 2023

News : Support the future of Godot.

We are excited to introduce a major improvement in funding the development efforts of the Godot Engine – the Godot Development Fund! The goal for the Development Fund is to create a direct way for everyone to help us secure stable funding and ensure the longevity of the project ...
You can read more on these webpages: Godot developer fund and Support the future of Godot.

miercuri, 30 august 2023

Godot : Godot Engine 4.1 and C# without android export feature.

Projects written in C# using Godot 4 currently cannot be exported to Android. To use C# on Android, use Godot 3 instead , see the official webpage.

vineri, 18 august 2023

Godot : Learn Godot by Making An RPG | Game Preview by Oops I Dev'd.

... after I realized that the Unity 3D game engine and Visual Studio weren't working for me anymore, on the game programming development side I switched to Godot and here I found something that gives you an example game built in pixelated design ...

luni, 14 august 2023

News : Godot testing project Godot4MainMenu001 - 001.

The other day I started working with Godot mono version 4.1.1 and C#. In the past I worked with Godot scripts but of the GDScript.
I made a simple range menu as seen in the video.
Today I also added the sound option and you can find it at this branch on the repository on my GitHub account.
This is the C# source for this main menu with a sound feature:
using Godot;
using System;

public partial class menu : Control
	// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
	public override void _Ready()

	// Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
	public override void _Process(double delta)
	private void _on_options_pressed()
		// Replace with function body.
		GD.Print("Option button");
	private void _on_exit_pressed()
		// Replace with function body.
		GD.Print("Exit button");
	private void _on_play_pressed()
		// Replace with function body.
		GD.Print("Play button");
	private void _on_back_pressed()
		// Replace with function body.
		GD.Print("Back button");
	private void _on_check_button_toggled(bool button_pressed)
		// Replace with function body.
		var streamPlayer = GetNode<AudioStreamPlayer2D>("AudioStreamPlayer2D");
		streamPlayer.Stream = GD.Load<AudioStream>("res://ship-radar.wav");
			GD.Print("CheckButton sound : ", button_pressed);
			GD.Print("CheckButton sound : ", button_pressed);
// top level closed

joi, 10 august 2023

Godot : Fix error on godot 4.1.1. mono with C#.

If you want to use Godot mono with C# on Windows O.S. then you need to download it and follow the steps from the official website.
One step need to use the .NET version and sometime can have an error like this when you try to build the project:
Exception: "NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackagingException: Unable to find fallback package folder ...
Go to your mono folder and create the GodotNuGetFallbackFolder on this path:
I build the project and works well:
Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:02.54

luni, 24 iulie 2023

News : Dev snapshot: Godot 4.2 dev 1 from Godot .

Another Godot news on July 19, 2023:
Today, we are ready to share these improvements with you with 4.2 dev 1 being available for public testing (you can read about the most notable changes below). This first development snapshot marks the proper start of the new development cycle, which means in the coming weeks we will be quickly merging many changes as contributors implement new features and fix long-standing bugs. You should expect a dev snapshot every 1 or 2 weeks, depending on how stable the development branch is after any given series of merges...
You can read more on the official website.

sâmbătă, 3 iunie 2023

News : A Day of Indie Game Development ...

Welcome to another devlog for Dauphin! In this episode I bring you along with me on a day off devoted to Dauphin development where I tackle a prototype of a new object placement system! Hope you enjoy ...

News : Godot version 4.0 is pretty good !

... this game engine was originally developed by Argentinian software developers Juan Linietsky and Ariel Manzur for several companies ...
The engine supports exporting projects to many more platforms, including all of the editor platforms. Currently supported platforms as of Godot 4.0 are:
  • Mobile platforms Android, iOS
  • Desktop platforms Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows (Universal Windows Platform), BSD (must be compiled manually)
  • Web platform HTML5, WebAssembly.
  • Virtual/extended reality platforms HTC Vive, Valve Index, Oculus Rift, Oculus Go, Oculus Quest, all Microsoft MR headsets, Apple's ARKit and many more.
This is a simple example of a desktop application with a typing effect. This game engine is speedy and does not need special hardware requirements. Is very easy to create an Android application. In the past, I used gd system scripts and now I can use C# programming language.

marți, 17 ianuarie 2023

News : Godot 4.0 beta 13.

With the first Godot 4.0 Release Candidate on the horizon we continue to release beta snapshots frequently and relentlessly! Such cadence allows us to better measure the overall stability and quickly catch regressions, especially when a lot of features are worked on at the same time.
This week we release a new batch of improvements and fixes, as well as some new features. Unfortunately, we also have to rollback one of the core animations features. After a lot of testing and consideration we’ve decided to postpone improvements to the inverse kinematics system until a future Godot 4.x release, removing the currently unstable SkeletonModificationStack3D. This decision allows us to better focus efforts of the Animation team on stabilizing other features.
You can read more on the official website.

sâmbătă, 29 octombrie 2022

News : Godot comes with new videos ...

After 11 months Godot's youtube channel comes with three new videos about this 3D game engine.
This is one of them ...

miercuri, 20 iulie 2022

News : Godot team releases for Godot game engine.

On the 8 July 2022 the Godot team release the Godot 3.5 RC 6, see the official webpage.
Today they announce this:
While Godot 3.5 is nearing a stable release, we still want to provide relevant bug fixes to users of the current 3.4 stable branch who might not be ready to upgrade right away. It's been a long time since the release of Godot 3.4.4, and there are a few important fixes coming up in Godot 3.4.5.
You can find on this webpage.

marți, 5 aprilie 2022

News : Godot Engine Editor on Android devices and online editor.

Godot Engine 3.5 Beta 3 and among comes with new features.
You can create your games on android devices, see this webpage for download the APK file.
Another option is to use it online, see this webpage.

duminică, 28 iunie 2020

Godot 4.0 : New feature SDFGI on Godot.

Another feature for Godot game engine:
  • Godot 4.0 gets SDFGI stands for Signed Distance Field Global Illumination based real-time global illumination;
See this feature at Juan Linietsky official YouTube channel - the author of this good game engine.
Juan Linietsky is part of the development team of Godot game engine starts in 2007.

duminică, 17 mai 2020

Godot 4.0 : New features for godot game engine.

I used this game engine with the property scripting code GDScript and is easy to learn.
This is an procedual programming scripting language without OOP features.
The Godot game engine can be used with C# programming language.
Now, the author of this article name Juan Linietsky comes with news:
Yes, indeed. Godot 4.0 will also have a very cool Voxel based real-time GI.

Still, that is a different technique aimed at different use cases. Lightmaps offer significant advantages over any other technique when the following requirements are met:

  • Performance above anything else (for mobile, lightmaps are still a must-have)
  • Quality above anything else (no light leaking, ideal for architecture)
  • Lighting will not change (lights won't move)

If these requirements are met, then lightmapping is probably the best for you.

On this official youtube channel the author show us the result of these features.
You can download this engine from the official webpage.

sâmbătă, 16 martie 2019

marți, 12 februarie 2019

Godot : water shader example.

This is an example created by user named Gonkee in this video tutorial.
The result of this shader tutorial I tested is this:

The source code of this shader is this:
shader_type canvas_item;

// Gonkee's water shader for Godot 3 - full tutorial
// If you use this shader, I would prefer if you gave credit to me and my channel

uniform vec4 blue_tint : hint_color;

uniform vec2 sprite_scale;
uniform float scale_x = 0.67;

float rand(vec2 coord){
 return fract(sin(dot(coord, vec2(12.9898, 78.233)))* 43758.5453123);

float noise(vec2 coord){
 vec2 i = floor(coord);
 vec2 f = fract(coord);

 // 4 corners of a rectangle surrounding our point
 float a = rand(i);
 float b = rand(i + vec2(1.0, 0.0));
 float c = rand(i + vec2(0.0, 1.0));
 float d = rand(i + vec2(1.0, 1.0));

 vec2 cubic = f * f * (3.0 - 2.0 * f);

 return mix(a, b, cubic.x) + (c - a) * cubic.y * (1.0 - cubic.x) + (d - b) * cubic.x * cubic.y;

void fragment(){
 vec2 noisecoord1 = UV * sprite_scale * scale_x;
 vec2 noisecoord2 = UV * sprite_scale * scale_x + 4.0;
 vec2 motion1 = vec2(TIME * 0.3, TIME * -0.4);
 vec2 motion2 = vec2(TIME * 0.1, TIME * 0.5);
 vec2 distort1 = vec2(noise(noisecoord1 + motion1), noise(noisecoord2 + motion1)) - vec2(0.5);
 vec2 distort2 = vec2(noise(noisecoord1 + motion2), noise(noisecoord2 + motion2)) - vec2(0.5);
 vec2 distort_sum = (distort1 + distort2) / 60.0;
 vec4 color = textureLod(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV + distort_sum, 0.0);
 color = mix(color, blue_tint, 0.3);
 color.rgb = mix(vec3(0.5), color.rgb, 1.4);
 float near_top = (UV.y + distort_sum.y) / (0.2 / sprite_scale.y);
 near_top = clamp(near_top, 0.0, 1.0);
 near_top = 1.0 - near_top;
 color = mix(color, vec4(1.0), near_top);
 float edge_lower = 0.6;
 float edge_upper = edge_lower + 0.1;
 if(near_top > edge_lower){
  color.a = 0.0;
  if(near_top < edge_upper){
   color.a = (edge_upper - near_top) / (edge_upper - edge_lower);
 COLOR = color;