
duminică, 31 decembrie 2017

MEmu - android emulator .

This is another android emulator named MEmu.
I tested with the android version 5.1.1.
The last official released version from official page tell the news about MEmu version 3.6.7.
The main reason I tested the MEmu emulator versus last emulator BlueStacks has some problems with PixelGun game - the multiplayer game.
Is simple to used it , just download the right version of MEmu and add your google account.
The next step for the emulator is to update the google account application and then let you to install your games.
The MEmu 101 contains all-inclusive info about MEmu App Player.
The official youtube channel can be found here.
I like also the splash when is starting the emulator, see the next image:

Blender 3D - using text with fonts .

This is a simple tutorial with Blender 3D version 2.79 about how add text and use fonts with this 3D software tool.
First, you need to run the Blender 3D software .
To add text just use keys: Shift + A into Object Mode .
The Object Mode is the area where you see the default cube when start the Blender 3D .
Using this keys will open one window and you need to select the Text .

The next step is to select font. Select the open icon to select te path to the your fonts, see the next image:

This will alow you to use the sected font. Also, this is a good idea to see your fonts from your windows operating system ( see the next image).

luni, 25 decembrie 2017

Christmas - Unity 3D with WebGL and old carol .

This is a test with particles using Unity 3D and WebGL output.
The next step will be a android application.
The project use three particle generators to create a Christmas tree, a snow particle generator, a game object for sound, and a text object game.
The project has also a C# script to set the particles.
The font used is the Kremlin Orthodox Church and is under the GNU General Public License.
This old carol is singed by Balada Group from Fălticeni, Romania and coordinated by Maria Tanase.

Merry Christmas! - Crăciun fericit!

marți, 19 decembrie 2017

News: The new released Unity 2017.3 .

The development team tell us:
We’re excited to share all the great new and improved features available today with Unity 2017.3.
Read more from on this article.

sâmbătă, 16 decembrie 2017

The best multiplayer game: Pixel Gun .

This game is a very good online game for any child and parent of any age.
The game comes with the ability to play a campaign, make servers (with and without the password), create a fun space where you can meet and chat, create castles and clans.
The game allows duels between teams, conquering the flag, choosing a pet, customizing the player with weapons and accessories, creating a space for each player. You can also create friends, invite and like them.
Pixel Gun 3D has two modes: a single-player Survival Mode and Multiplayer Mode.
First the single-player can be start with with a multi-level campaign and an interesting comic book story.
Into this story, you run around shooting mostly undead enemies like zombies and skeletons and earn points.
The Multiplayer Mode where you join others in a shoot-or-be-shot contest come with many servers and options to do that.
You can also create your own skin, update your clan castle and environment ( like pet house).
I could enumerate the options and features of this game but let you discover it.
I've spent hours playing this game and it's one of the fastest and does not require a lot of resources.
The game can be found here.

The Matter javascript for 2D collider.

The Matter.js is created with javascript and can be used like a 2D physics engine for the web development and game engine.
This javascript for web and mobile can be found on official website.
The development team tell us about the features of this tool:
  • Rigid bodies
  • Compound bodies
  • Composite bodies
  • Concave and convex hulls
  • Physical properties (mass, area, density etc.)
  • Restitution (elastic and inelastic collisions)
  • Collisions (broad-phase, mid-phase and narrow-phase)
  • Stable stacking and resting
  • Conservation of momentum
  • Friction and resistance
  • Events
  • Constraints
  • Gravity
  • Sleeping and static bodies
  • Plugins
  • Rounded corners (chamfering)
  • Views (translate, zoom)
  • Collision queries (raycasting, region tests)
  • Time scaling (slow-mo, speed-up)
  • Canvas renderer (supports vectors and textures)
  • MatterTools for creating, testing and debugging worlds
  • World state serialisation (requires resurrect.js)
  • Cross-browser and Node.js support (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE8+)
  • Mobile-compatible (touch, responsive)
  • An original JavaScript physics implementation (not a port)
You can see one good example here.
How can be used ?
First, get a stable release and include the script in your web page and add the matter engine objects and features, see this example:

marți, 12 decembrie 2017

News: The new Gimp version 2.9.8 released .

This released version was focusing on bug fixing and stability.
Here are a few of the new features of this graphical tool:
  • come with new features like introduces on-canvas gradient editing and various enhancements. 
  • the HGT files (Digital Elevation Model data by the NASA ) can now be imported;
  • the team improved Wavelet Decompose Filter and the PSD plug-in was fixed to properly handle Photoshop files. 
  • Paste in Place and GUI features
You can read more official website.

duminică, 10 decembrie 2017

The Roblox game with lua scripting .

The Roblox game is a massively is a multiplayer online game.
This game platform that allows users to design their own games and play a wide variety of different types of games created by the developer or other users.
The programming issues for this game can be solved with lua scripting language.
In this tutorial I will show you how to start programming this game.
First yo need to install the game, make one account and take from web the Studio.
This allow you to make game and changes into your account .
You can start with your place or create a new place .
The Roblox Studio use Workspace with many objects like: bricks , materials, etc.
The next image show you how to select command Bar (1) and Output (2) windows for testing lua commands and see the outputs of this commands from VIEW menu:

Into the next image you can see how I used the lua scripting to print to output:

Use the blue cross from Explorer to add your lua script to the object or part of object:

When all of your changes are done then you can publish to Roblox from File menu.
I preferred not to introduce a classic example script because you can do a lot of useful scripts in the roblox game: effects, automation, animations, music and video, character creation and objects, scripts for online.
You can learn more about this issue if you take a look at this official roblox channel for scripting.

miercuri, 6 decembrie 2017

The online CoSpaces Maker for kids to code.

The team development tell us:
Imagine and create. Build a virtual world on any device with the CoSpaces Maker app and explore them in virtual reality. Design, develop and code your own creations or take inspiration from what others have built in the CoSpaces Maker gallery - all you need is a smartphone and a cardboard headset!

First you need to make an account.
The next step is to see all scenes and read how to deal with objects and features.
This features start from load objects, deal with objects, use camera, use scene and code.
To code you need to use blockly - the most simple way to code .

If you think this is to simple and the result will be unsatisfactory, then you'd better take a look here.
You can test online at CoSpaces - official website.