A new online feature with artificial inteligence can be found on deviantart.com - dreamup.
2D, 3D, game, games, online game, game development, game engine, programming, OpenGL, Open AI, math, graphics, design, graphic, graphics, game development, game engine, programming, web development, web art, web graphic, arts, tutorial, tutorials,
import bpy
node_tree = bpy.context.object.active_material.node_tree
location_x = 0
location_y = 0
for type in dir(bpy.types):
real_type = getattr(bpy.types, type)
if issubclass(real_type, bpy.types.ShaderNode):
node = node_tree.nodes.new(type)
node.width = 250
node.location = (location_x, location_y)
location_x += 300
if location_x > 3000:
location_x = 0
location_y -= 600