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Se afișează postările cu eticheta blender. Afișați toate postările

duminică, 31 decembrie 2017

Blender 3D - using text with fonts .

This is a simple tutorial with Blender 3D version 2.79 about how add text and use fonts with this 3D software tool.
First, you need to run the Blender 3D software .
To add text just use keys: Shift + A into Object Mode .
The Object Mode is the area where you see the default cube when start the Blender 3D .
Using this keys will open one window and you need to select the Text .

The next step is to select font. Select the open icon to select te path to the your fonts, see the next image:

This will alow you to use the sected font. Also, this is a good idea to see your fonts from your windows operating system ( see the next image).

luni, 9 octombrie 2017

Blender 3D - simple gold material .

This tutorial show you how to make a simple gold material with Blender 3D - version 2.79 .
The base of this tutorial come from this link.
Open a new scene and add your object. Select the render from Blender Render to Cycles Render from top of the Blender 3D software.
Create a new material click on Use Nodes button from Material tab.
The next step is to chose screen layout to Compositing.
You will see a Node Editor and set this to Shader to edit your material.
In this window you can change the material object from default Diffuse BSDF to new gold material. 
Use Shift A keys to search and add all you need to make the gold material.
This is the result of nodes for this material:

miercuri, 4 octombrie 2017

Blender 3D - Open Shading Language tutorial - part 001 .

Using this tutorial about Open Shading Language, you can try a glass shader. The source code show a simple use for Fresnel equations. The backfacing() and raytype() are two functions that provide the shader some information about the state of the renderer and the scene at the time of evaluation. I used just backfacing(), because is a raw example of this Fresnel equations. As you can see the I, N, eta inputs from Fresnel_Dielectric() is used to get a result variable fr. The all result of this shader is bsdf like a equation. See the next code:
#define IOR_THRESHOLD 1.000000001

float Fresnel_Dielectric(vector i, normal n, float eta)
    float c = fabs(dot(i, n));
    float g = eta * eta - 1 + c * c;
    float result = 1.0;
    if (g > 0) {
        g = sqrt(g);
        float a = (g - c) / (g + c);
        float b = (c * (g + c) - 1) / (c * (g + c) + 1);
        result = 0.5 * a * a * (1 + b * b);
    return result;

shader glass(
    color diffuse_col = 1.8, 
    float ior = 1.45, 
    output closure color bsdf = 0)
    float real_ior = max(ior, IOR_THRESHOLD);
    float eta = backfacing()? 1.0 / real_ior : real_ior;
    float fr = Fresnel_Dielectric(I, N, eta);
    bsdf = diffuse_col * (fr * reflection(N) + (1.0 - fr) * refraction(N, eta));

miercuri, 27 septembrie 2017

Blender 3D - Open Shading Language tutorial.

Today, I will show you how to use the Open Shading Language with Blender 3D version 2.79.
Use the Scripting area from Screen layout and Cycles for rendering.
Select from Render tab and check the option:Open Shading Language.
Add your object to test this tool.
For example you can use the default Cube.
Add a material to this object.
The Scripting area from Screen layout come with editor text.
Use Templates - > Open Shading Language -> Empty Shader and add this OSL script:
shader marble (color Col = .5, float freq = 1.0,  
           output color result = 0)  
float sum = 0;  
float freq_value = freq;  

point pixel_shader = transform ("object", P);  
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)   
    sum = sum + 1/freq_value * abs(.5 - noise( 4 * freq_value * pixel_shader)) ;  
    freq_value = 2 * freq_value;  
result = Col * sum;  
Save this script into your folder . Add a OSL script interface into Node Editor using : Add -> Script -> Script.
This will come with a open dialog icon to add your OSL script.
Link result to Color from your material Diffuse BSDF. All this steps I tell you is on the next image:

vineri, 4 august 2017

The glTF - GL Transmission Format exporter for Blender 3D.

According to KhronosGroup this format:
glTF™ (GL Transmission Format) is a royalty-free specification for the efficient transmission and loading of 3D scenes and models by applications. glTF minimizes both the size of 3D assets, and the runtime processing needed to unpack and use those assets. glTF defines an extensible, common publishing format for 3D content tools and services that streamlines authoring workflows and enables interoperable use of content across the industry.

As you already know:
The Khronos Group, Inc. is an American non-profit member-funded industry consortium based in Beaverton, Oregon, focused on the creation of open standard, royalty-free application programming interfaces (APIs).
The glTF 1.0 specification has been announced since October 19, 2015 and it's in Draft since April 11, 2017.

Now you can test it with a Blender addon exporter from here.

The official exporter for Blender use glTF - version 2.0.

sâmbătă, 22 iulie 2017

Blender 3D addon with the base muscle system.

The ManuelbastioniLAB is an open source and free addon for Blender.
The goal is to create a scientific and powerful 3D humanoids editor with the result of the research and released as a free and open source advanced addons for Blender 3D software.
The last features is the advanced rigging for the base muscle system.
Let's see this into next video from official youtube channel:

vineri, 29 ianuarie 2016

News: Blender 3D project 2016.

The new year come with news for Blender 3D users.
The Blender 3D team has a new 3D project named:Caminandes 3.
You can see this funny trailer from Blender Foundation on youtube channel.
Also if you see more about Blender team and how to do it, then you can see this old documentary about making of Sintel:
You can also see the all projects.

marți, 7 octombrie 2014

News: Blender 3D version 2.72

The new Blender 3D software has arrived with new features and tools.
I test it and is a great job make by the Blender 3D team. The splash is great ...
About the application the new features cand be found here.
 ... or the features that are currently in development:
 - GSOC Painting additions
 - Pie Menus
 - Freestyle Rendering for Cycles
 - Rewritten Array Modifier
 - Dragging Masks with Handles
 - New Drag Handles
 - Intersect Tool
 - HSL Color Ramps
 - Sun Beams Node
 - Cycles Reflective and Refractive Caustics
 - Cycles experimental GPU Kernel
 - Cycles Anamorphic Bokeh.
I like also the Pie menu from user interface :

About news you can see some video here.
Great job.

vineri, 16 august 2013

Making Money with Blender...

"Then I joined the Australia Army Reserves, in hopes turning into a “real man” overnight. But I kept daydreaming about how I would make my surroundings in Blender (no joke), so I was constantly chewed out at boot camp for not listening..."

Read the full article :

duminică, 16 decembrie 2012

New Blender 2.65

From official website :

The Blender Foundation and online developer community is proud to present Blender 2.65. We focused on making this the most stable release in the 2.6 cycle yet, fixing over 200 bugs.

Fire simulation was added along with many improvements in smoke simulation. In Cycles, motion blur, open shading language and anisotropic shading support was added. For mesh modeling, the bevel tool was much improved, a new symmetrize mesh tool was added, and new Laplacian smooth, decimate, and triangulate modifiers are available.

The new release of Blender 3D version 2.65 it's arrived on December 10th, 2012.

Over 200 bugs have been fixed.

Go and try this wonderful software from here.

duminică, 2 septembrie 2012

Blender Conference 2012

Blender Conference 2012 - it will take three days this year (October 12-13-14, 2012).

The place it's Amsterdam.

Also, the registration fees give access to all events and are including drinks and daily lunch.

Anyway ... All you need is on blender website.

duminică, 18 iulie 2010

Blender 3D - ISSUE 28: Blender 2.5

As you know the magazine Blender Magazine is a magazine known to those who use Blender 3D software.
The title of this magazine is "Blender 2.5. In this issue we find some interesting articles related to version 2.5.
However I expect some to be more specific. I expected to find some more specific tutorials.
New version 2.5 has new tools and hardware required. For this reason I wanted to see something more complex.
The magazine comes with sample files. However it seems that the magazine is a success.

Articles/Tutorials on Creating 3D contents using Blender 2.5
I love my Bubble
Up to Speed
Blender 2.49 Scripting (Book Review)
High resolution rendering @ speed of the light
and more ...
The issue and files can be found here.