
joi, 23 februarie 2012

The digital magazine WGE:MAG - Issue 3

The WGE:MAG, the digital magazine of the World Gaming Executives comes with several interesting articles, here are some:
Hero Engine - Creating the online game
A Comic Book Hero - Diggle talks games
You can download the WGE:MAG from here.

marți, 17 ianuarie 2012

News about NeoAxis Game Engine: The new version 1.11

The NeoAxis Engine come today with the version 1.11, read more on official website.
NeoAxis Group announces that NeoAxis Engine and its SDK was updated to version 1.11. NeoAxis Engine is an all-purpose 3D engine for games development, simulations and visualization systems creation. New version includes fixes for bugs that has been discovered since version 1.1, adds Parallax Occlusion Mapping technology and support for Autodesk 3dsMax Design 2011/2012 in Model Exporter.

duminică, 15 ianuarie 2012

New magazine about game development WGE:MAG

First off, we have an exciting announcement about a great new magazine dedicated to game development. This is named WGE:MAG. In this moment we can read the number two of this issue. This new magazine comes with article about console, mobile and online gamesdevelopers, artists, programmers, players and everything about games and gaming. Download this from here and it's free. This magazine is make by

marți, 3 ianuarie 2012

Simple X11 example application .

You can see a simple X11 example application on The author say us:
Here is the full source code of a simple X11 app that creates a X window and displays some basic information about the system. To quit the app, two ways are available:
I tested this source code and is very easy to understand .

duminică, 1 ianuarie 2012

Jpcsp PlayStation Portable emulator

Jpcsp is just one PlayStation Portable emulator. This emulator software allowing you to play your PSP games on a PC. You can take it from here. First , you must have have the JRE - Java on your computer. I use on my Fedora 16 the package : jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin. Also, I use this command to start the emulator:
$ java -Xmx1024m -Djava.library.path=lib/linux-x86 -jar bin/jpcsp.jar
The result is shown in the following screenshot:

duminică, 18 decembrie 2011

Qt with threaded OpenGL support.

Here's a pretty exciting news for developers. Qt, the cross-platform application and user interface framework, is available in version 4.8.0 under fedora 16. The new Ot has the threaded OpenGL support. Under Fedora 16 , we have the development packages:
(1/2): libXv-devel-1.0.6-2.fc15.i686.rpm                 |  38 kB     00:00     
(2/2): qt-devel-4.8.0-0.23.rc1.fc16.i686.rpm             |  10 MB     00:03 
We expect developers will use this functionality to create new graphics applications.