
vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

3-D Simulations of Nova Explosions

On October 20, 2011 sciencedaily web site announced that:
Scientists at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. BarcelonaTech (UPC) have for the first time simulated critical phenomena.
Novae are cataclysmic stellar phenomena. This new study solving an enigma that has puzzled stellar astrophysicists for over half a century.
This simulations is maked with the MareNostrum supercomputer after 150,000 hours of calculation.
You can read more about this on article.

WebGL benchmarks by Stephen Bannasch.

You can try the new update of Stephen Bannasch benchmarks.
Stephen tell us about new features:

I've updated my benchmark page comparing matrix libraries useful for webgl programming with newer versions of some of the libraries:

- closure to svn rev: 1364
- glMatrix to 1.0.1
- tdl to commit: 59d484f, Fri Jun 3 2011

Also you can download the source code for these benchmarks.You can be found here on github.

marți, 25 octombrie 2011

HoloDesk the future of 3D.

The HoloDesk uses a half-silvered mirror and a Kinect sensor to “see” objects in 3D.
This device is created by Microsoft, a research project out of the Sensors and Devices group at Microsoft Research Cambridge.

You can get more infos about this project: HoloDesk - Direct 3D Interactions with a Situated See-Through Display

duminică, 25 septembrie 2011

3Defy - transform your photos into 3D photos.

3Defy is a great demonstration of the most recent in Flash programming.
This is a site that lets you add 3D effects to 2D photos that you upload or link.
You can try to create your 3D images using modeler from here.
Upload your image and use Select for your face or Erase fro background.
Use mouse wheel to increase or decrease the active area.
Use Save or Share buton to use it.
Let's see the result ...

Nice !

vineri, 16 septembrie 2011

X3DOM - part 001.

What is X3DOM?
The official website gives us the answer.
X3DOM (pronounced X-Freedom) is an experimental open source framework and runtime to support the ongoing discussion in the Web3D and W3C communities how an integration of HTML5 and declarative 3D content could look like. It tries to fulfill the current HTML5 specification for declarative 3D content and allows including X3D elements as part of any HTML5 DOM tree.
We try to use it.
The official site tell us about the browsers and X3DOM.
Internet Explorer 9 = does/will not support WebGL. So you have to install the InstantReality-plugin or Flash 11.
Google Chrome ver 9.x = supports WebGL natively.
Firefox >= 4.x = supports WebGL natively.
Safari (Mac only: Safari 5.1 on OS X 10.6 and 10.7) = include support for WebGL (Windows version does not), but you need enable it through the “Developer”-menu. To activate the “Developer”-menu go to Preferences->Advanced and check the “Show Developer menu in menu bar” button.
Let's check it!
First, check here if your browser supports X3DOM.
If your browser not supports X3DOM , you will see this :
Also , the running example will show you this:
Now, Let's try a simple example. Create a html file and paste the code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
 <title>TEST X3DOM</title>
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /></link>
 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<h1>Show box under x3dom !</h1>
<x3d width="500px" height="500px">
    <material diffuseColor='blue'></material>
Also if you want then we can install this (instantreality Framework 2.0).
I managed to run version 6.0.2 Firefox example by changing the settings WebGL.
I wrote in the address bar about:config and I looked and changed the setting:
webgl.force-enabled to true.
Open the file with the Firefox web browser.We can see one blue box...
... and Chrome Web Browser (ver. 13.0.782.220 m)with this result:
Under IE , I got errors ... Although I have installed the InstantReality-plugin or Flash 11.
You can see more examples here.