
sâmbătă, 25 noiembrie 2017

Sketchware - scratch IDE for Android applications.

The term of Scratch IDE come like a free visual programming language with visual forms.
The Sketchware mobile application is a IDE for Android applications.
You can make easy and fast application , show the source code and test it with your android .
The application can be found on google play.
You can see that into the next video from official youtube channel.

vineri, 24 noiembrie 2017

The Hexels tool creative suite .

The development team tell us about this tool:

Hexels is a creative suite for grid-based painting, animation, and design. The Hexels canvas is a paintable grid of geometric shapes that lets artists create complex designs with the stroke of a brush. It is a new kind of vector workflow, a friendly playground for the beginning artist, and a versatile tool in the hands of a professional.
The price now is the $24.50 and you can read and download it from official website.

luni, 20 noiembrie 2017

Maps with telnet .

The MapSCII use telnet to show you whole world into your console.
The project can be found here.
To test it just run this telnet command with your linux or use PuTTY on Windows:

vineri, 17 noiembrie 2017

Love2d - the most simple game engine with Lua programming language .

The development team tell us about this software:
Hi there! LÖVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. It's free, open-source, and works on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS.
Even if they say it is a framework, most of them who use it already consider it a game engine. You can download it and read about this game engine on the official website After download you need to create a project folder and put the lua scripts for love .
I named this folder test.
I add to this folder one transparent image from internet with the filename: oldpaper.png, see next image:

I create a file named main.lua and I add this lua script:
local imageFile

function love.load()

    imageFile ="oldpaper.png")

function love.grid_text()
local gx = 0 
local gy = 0
local g = 0
 while g ~= 100 do gx, 0, gx, 10) 111, 255, 255 ) 0, gy, 10, gy) 111, 255, 255)
 end 16, 5, 255)"Hello world ! Lua and Love 2D for games !", 290,400), 0, 0)

function love.draw(), 0, 0)
 -- this displays the normally colored image, 255, 255, 255),250,100)

Run it outside of test folder with:
 love.exe test
The result of this code is this screenshot.

duminică, 12 noiembrie 2017

Unity 3D and the Puppet2D tool .

This tool can help you to animate sprites with Unity 3D.
You can create 2D skeletons, skin your characters to the bones, and create really easy to use controls that make animating 2D characters.
The tool come with this price $30.00 from this link.
First you need to create a 2D project into Unity 3D.
After you download this tool into your Unity 3D  then you can deal with this tool.
The main goal is to assemble sprites into a character and then create the desired animation.
Then the animation will be embedded in your project just like any animation.
See the next tutorial from official youtube channel of  Puppet2D tool:

miercuri, 8 noiembrie 2017

The Mischief 2.1.5 - another drawing tool.

This is tool come free and you can use a paid version.
The paid version come with one price $25 more features :  presets, a full color palette, layers, and export to PSD files.
This allows you unlimited freedom to sketch, create and save brushes, hot keys and shortcuts.
You can used with Windows 7/8 and Mac OS X. I tested with Windows 10 and works great.
The output of your project is filename with the extension named .art .
The result of your work can be export like .pdf , .jpeg or .pds files.
The free version I don't see the copy paste option, but you can use export to save your drawing image.
This application come with few feature in the free version.