
marți, 28 mai 2019

Using blotter.js with channels.

This javascript library comes with this intro:
A JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web. Blotter.js requires Three.js and Underscore.js. If you're already including these files in your project, view the information on custom builds to get the file size significantly smaller.
See more here.
The HTML5 is simple with an empty div tag.
The CSS is just for design an is not affected by the script.
I used this:
If you want a distortion effect you need to use this:
The javascript takes the div tag and used it:
let text = new Blotter.Text("28:08:2019", {
  family : "sans-serif",
  size : 128,
  fill : "#000"

let material = new Blotter.ChannelSplitMaterial();
material.uniforms.uOffset.value = 0.05;
material.uniforms.uAnimateNoise.value = 1;

let blotter = new Blotter(material, {
  texts : text

let el = document.getElementById("blotter-channels");
let scope = blotter.forText(text);

The result is this:
See the Pen blotter-channels by Cătălin George Feștilă (@catafest) on CodePen.

vineri, 24 mai 2019

GridMaths online tool to start with math.

This online tool named GridMaths for math can be used here.
The tool can be used for kids and parents or can use into advanced math.
I author comes with a series of articles about this online tool, see this link.
One good example about how can use this online tool can be found on youtube:

marți, 21 mai 2019

Show SVG with the anime javascript library.

First of all the anime javascript library can be found at the official webpage.
Start with the empty project on website.
You need to add the javascript library into the editor by using the wheel icon of JS area:
You can add the SVG source code with the path and then this will be parsed by javascript script.
The CSS code is used to stylize the output.
For example, the size of the path can be used like this:
.anim path {
  stroke-width: 3;
Then use the source code from my example.
See the result of this source code:
See the Pen animejs_001 by Cătălin George Feștilă (@catafest) on CodePen.

sâmbătă, 18 mai 2019

Blender 3D and Google Summer of Code - 2019 Projects.

The Blender Development team start this issue with 8 projects by students and mentors:

The projects have been announced and we are now in the Community Bonding Period. For a month, students learn about the Blender project, the communication channels and development environment. 
This is also the time to make sure that the proposal is clear and has the support of the community. 
Coding starts on 27 May.

You can find all info at Google Summer of Code - 2019 Projects
More about the projects area and teams can be seen at devtalk blender development.

marți, 7 mai 2019

Unreal Engine and HoloLens and Apollo 11.

The Unreal Engine 4 native support for HoloLens 2.
With the new 50th anniversary this year, we can see the interactive visualization of the Apollo 11 lunar landing.
Take a look and use the Unreal Engine game engine.

luni, 6 mai 2019

Now the latest build from NeoAxis Group.

A month ago, on March 28, 2019, NeoAxis Group released the latest NeoAxis Engine 2019.1.
Now the latest Build 2019.1.6 is released today.
This news can be read here.
Let's see some features:
  • Free platform, partially open source;
  • Modern architecture;
  • Complete set of tools;
  • Modern look editor;
  • C# scripting, visual scripting. .NET API;
  • Built-in C# scripting;
  • Visual workflow scripting;
  • Advanced object types creation capabilities;
  • .NET API;
  • Classic C# programming;
  • Visual Studio 2017, 2019 support;
  • Complete set of tools for 3D game development;
  • 64-bit floating precision by default;
  • Well-thought object serialization;
  • Scene rendering is performed via high-level rendering pipeline;
  • Good multi-thread rendering performance provided by Bgfx;
  • Filament PBR shaders are used for realistic materials rendering;
  • Powerful Bullet physics library in 64-bit precision mode.