
joi, 22 iulie 2021

News : Sketchfab and Epic Games family.

We are excited to announce that today Sketchfab has joined the Epic Games family. Sketchfab makes it easy to discover, edit, buy, and sell 3D content directly through their web-based service and is home to 4 million 3D assets. Their technology has integrations across every major 3D creation tool and publishing platform and is compatible across all major browsers and operating systems, on both desktop and mobile. By joining forces, Epic and Sketchfab will be able to make 3D, AR and VR content more accessible and grow the creator ecosystem, which are critical to an open and interconnected Metaverse.
You can read more at epic games official website.

marți, 20 iulie 2021

Try 3DSLASH online tool.

You can test this online tool on this webpage.
The new release 3.1.0 is available!
You can now enjoy the sound of your tools!
The new engraving feature simplifies many operations, such as reproducing a pattern, engraving a name or even... make a hole!
FBX and Collada exporters open the way to 3D creation for games, programming and Virtual Reality.
Now, you can now export to glTF 2.0.

sâmbătă, 17 iulie 2021

Ubisoft: For Honor new sensitive elements for users.

It is recognized that Ubisoft has sensitive elements related to the user's game mode and completes the game mode. Here is an example from the already classic game For Honor.
The Emotes Elegant Dance and Very Discontent along with the Incalescent Memory Mood Effect are now available!

Blender 3D : FaceBuilder from keentools.

This keentools webpage providde many tools for users.
One of these is the FaceBuilder tool for Blender 3D software.
FaceBuilder​ is an add-on for Blender for 3D-modelling of human faces and heads based on photos. With FaceBuilder you don’t need to be an experienced 3D modeler to create a quality 3D model with clean topology. You start with getting a few photos of a person from different angles of view and then place a model on each of them to build a head or a face model. The 3D models can be later used for sculpting, animation, tracking or anything else in Blender or exported into a file and imported into any other 3D software.
Let's see the install step from the official youtube channel:
... and these videos with this tool:

luni, 12 iulie 2021

Shadertoy: iChannel texture - 005.

This simple example is a kaleidoscope distorsion with math functions: sine and cosine.
You can see this book name it A Mathematical Kaleidoscope: Applications in Industry, Business and Science by B Conolly, S. Vajda how math can solve many issues.
You can change the parameters to see how they interact and how the distortions and use the mouse.

vineri, 9 iulie 2021

Shadertoy: iChannel texture - 004.

Here is a simple example that can help us understand a bit about the theory of spatial frequency.
This theory is used in various fields as wave propagation.
The example is very simple for a better understanding.
You can change the parameters to see how they interact and how the distortions are.