
vineri, 15 martie 2024

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Shader Editor - example 004.

This is not 100% my shader, I found an example on the web and adapted it for March. It is quite optimized and can be further optimized. I did it rather quickly because I can't really afford to use up my time and resources without having a financial or health-related gain. You can turn it into wallpaper with the ShaderToy Android application.
precision highp float;
precision mediump float;

#define _ParticlesAmount 10
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
float rnd(float x)
    return fract(sin(dot(vec2(x + 47.49,38.2467 / (x + 2.3)), vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * (43758.5453));

float draw_leaf(vec2 uv, float scale, float d) {
    float ret;
    vec2 root = uv - vec2(1.0, scale);
    float r = length(root) / scale;
    float t = abs(atan(root.x, root.y) / 3.1415);
    float edge = (3.0 * t - 8.0 * t*t*t*t + 6.0 * t*t*t*t*t) / (4.0 - 3.0 * t);
    ret = smoothstep(edge - d, edge + d, r);
    return ret;

mat2 rotate(float t) {
    return mat2(cos(t), -sin(t), sin(t), cos(t));

float drawClover(vec2 uv, float scale, float d) {
    float ret = draw_leaf(uv, scale, d);
    uv = rotate(2.0) * uv;
    ret *= draw_leaf(uv, scale, d);
    return 1.0 - ret;

vec4 alphaBlend(vec4 base, vec4 blend)
    return vec4(base.rgb * base.a * (1.0 - blend.a) + blend.rgb * blend.a, blend.a + base.a * (1.0 - blend.a));
// conversion from a web shadertoy
//void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )

void main() {
    vec2 uv = (2.0 * gl_FragCoord.xy - resolution.xy) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
    float t = smoothstep(1.5, 0.0, length(uv));
    gl_FragColor = vec4(t * vec3(1, 0.8784, 0.9333) + (1.0 - t) * vec3(0.9568, 0.7451, 0.8118), 1.0);
    float j;
    float move_max = 1.0;
    vec2 spawn_center = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
    float spawn_length = 0.5;
    float _ParticlesAmount_f = float(_ParticlesAmount);
    for (int i = 1; i < _ParticlesAmount; i++)
        j = float(i);
        float rnd1 = rnd(cos(j));
        float delayedTime = (0.2 + 0.2 * rnd1) * time;
        float d = floor(delayedTime / move_max);
        float rnd2 = rnd(j * d);
        float rnd3 = rnd(j * j * d);
        float r = delayedTime / move_max - d;
        float x_wave = 0.15 * sin(delayedTime * 7.0 + 6.282 / j);
        vec2 spawn = vec2(0.0, rnd3 * spawn_length);
        float ease = pow(2.0, 5.0 * (r - 1.0));
        float y_move = move_max * ease;
        float opacity = 1.0 - ease - pow(2.0, -30.0 * r);
        float scale = 1.0 - 0.65 * rnd1 + 0.15 * sin(1.8 * time * j / _ParticlesAmount_f + 6.282 / j);
        float rot_wave = 2.0 * sin(delayedTime * 3.0 * j / _ParticlesAmount_f * 2.0 + 6.282 / j);
        vec2 center = rotate(rot_wave) * (rotate(6.282 * rnd2) * (uv + spawn_center) + spawn + vec2(x_wave, y_move)) * scale;
        vec3 cloverColor = vec3(0.3 + 0.3 * rnd2, 0.98, 0.3) * (1.0 - 0.3 * rnd3);
        vec3 cloverCenterColor = cloverColor + (vec3(1.0) - cloverColor) * 0.5;
        vec3 cloverBgColor = vec3(1.0, 0.98, 0.7);
        gl_FragColor = alphaBlend(gl_FragColor, vec4(cloverBgColor, opacity * drawClover(center, 0.1, 0.3)));
        gl_FragColor = alphaBlend(gl_FragColor, vec4(cloverColor, opacity * drawClover(center, 0.1, 0.01)));
        gl_FragColor = alphaBlend(gl_FragColor, vec4(cloverCenterColor, opacity * drawClover(center, 0.05, 0.3)));