
sâmbătă, 7 octombrie 2017

Big prizes in objects .

Here's a contest for lovers around the world with awards prize graphics.
The website team tell us about this contest:

  Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there was a tiny kingdom hidden away in the mountains. And while its people were happy and led good lives, in the back of their minds there was always the worry about what might be at the other side of the mountains… 

Welcome to our new community contest! We’ll be going back to medieval times to explore castles, medieval towns, knights, and perhaps… dragons? Anything is possible in this Medieval Fantasy!

See this link.

miercuri, 4 octombrie 2017

Blender 3D - Open Shading Language tutorial - part 001 .

Using this tutorial about Open Shading Language, you can try a glass shader. The source code show a simple use for Fresnel equations. The backfacing() and raytype() are two functions that provide the shader some information about the state of the renderer and the scene at the time of evaluation. I used just backfacing(), because is a raw example of this Fresnel equations. As you can see the I, N, eta inputs from Fresnel_Dielectric() is used to get a result variable fr. The all result of this shader is bsdf like a equation. See the next code:
#define IOR_THRESHOLD 1.000000001

float Fresnel_Dielectric(vector i, normal n, float eta)
    float c = fabs(dot(i, n));
    float g = eta * eta - 1 + c * c;
    float result = 1.0;
    if (g > 0) {
        g = sqrt(g);
        float a = (g - c) / (g + c);
        float b = (c * (g + c) - 1) / (c * (g + c) + 1);
        result = 0.5 * a * a * (1 + b * b);
    return result;

shader glass(
    color diffuse_col = 1.8, 
    float ior = 1.45, 
    output closure color bsdf = 0)
    float real_ior = max(ior, IOR_THRESHOLD);
    float eta = backfacing()? 1.0 / real_ior : real_ior;
    float fr = Fresnel_Dielectric(I, N, eta);
    bsdf = diffuse_col * (fr * reflection(N) + (1.0 - fr) * refraction(N, eta));

luni, 2 octombrie 2017

The Skanect software tool for 3D .

The official website come with this intro:
With Skanect, capturing a full color 3D model of an object, a person or a room has never been so easy and affordable. Skanect transforms your Structure Sensor, Microsoft Kinect or Asus Xtion camera into a low cost 3D scanner able to create 3D meshes out of real scenes in a few minutes. Enter the world of 3D scanning now!
Come with free and paid solution, need a good 3D sensor ( see official features on web) and GPU with CUDA.
I install this software and has a good interface.

duminică, 1 octombrie 2017

The Storyboarder free tool.

The development team tell us about this free tool named Storyboarder:
Storyboarder makes it easy to visualize a story as fast you can draw stick figures. Quickly draw to test if a story idea works. Create and show animatics to others. Express your story idea without making a movie.
Wonder Unit is a studio that makes movies. We spend a lot of time in creative development, building tools, and being smarter about creating the best stories.
This tool come with six simple drawing tools , boards (add a board, draw, duplicate, copy, paste) and metadata for a board (duration, dialogue, action and note).

How can be used this tool? 
You can start with your script or an empty board.
Then just draw each board and add all settings like: duration, dialogue, action and note.
You can export your work to Premiere, Final Cut, Avid, PDF, or Animated GIF.
You can edit your board with Photoshop.
You can improve this software with your source code using - storyboarder.
You can download it from official website.