
sâmbătă, 4 noiembrie 2017

The MediBang Paint - free drawing and animation software tool.

Today I show you another free drawing tool named: MediBang Paint .
The MediBang Paint is a FREE lightweight digital painting and comic creation software.
This tool comes loaded with brushes, fonts, pre-made backgrounds, and other resources,like :
  • Cloud features
  • tool for comics 
  • materials
  • Fonts
  • Group Project 
  • and Paint Gallery
You can used with your device: PCWin/Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android.
The official youtube channel can be found here.

duminică, 22 octombrie 2017

News: C# IN GODOT game engine.

The development team come with this news:
In order to bring C# programming to Godot, we are embedding the Mono runtime into the engine. As of alpha2, Godot is using Mono 5.2 and C# 7.0 is supported.
I will write more posts about the internals and how things work in the future but, for this one, I would like to focus on introducing the language and how to write Godot scripts with it.

One example of script it's that script class show by the development team :
// Coin.cs
using Godot; // Namespace that contains all Godot types

// Class Coin has same name as its file. Godot will detect it
public class Coin : Node
    public override void _Ready()
        GD.Print("Hello, Godot!");
Read more about this at official website .

sâmbătă, 14 octombrie 2017

News: The new released Krita version 3.3.1 .

The Krita development team tell us:

Published    10/11/2017

Today we are releasing Krita 3.3.1, a bugfix release for Krita 3.3.0. This release fixes two important regressions:

Krita would crash if you would restart Krita after closing Krita with the reference images docker set to floating
Krita 3.3.0 could not read .kra backup files or .kra files that were unzipped, then zipped up manually.
Additionally, there are the following fixes and improvements:

Fix a crash when creating a swap file on OSX (Bernhard Liebl).
Merge down does not remove locked layers anymore (Nikita Smirnov)
Various performance improvements, especially for macOS (Bernhard Liebl)
Improve the look and feel of dragging and dropping layers (Bernhard Liebl)
Improve the tooltips in the brush preset selector (Bernhard Liebl)
Fix a memory leak in the color selectors (Boudewijn Rempt)
Fix rotation and tilt when using the Windows Ink api (Alvin Wong)
Don’t allow the fill tool to be used on group layers (Boudewijn Rempt)
Add brightness and contrast sliders for textured brushes (Rad)
Add paste-at-cursor (Dmitry Kazakov)
Improve performance of the cpu canvas (Alvin Wong)
Fix a crash on closing Krita when there is something on the clipboard (Dmitry Kazakov)
Add a button to open a file layer’s image in Krita (Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier)

You can read more about this new version of Krita software and download it from here.

luni, 9 octombrie 2017

Blender 3D - simple gold material .

This tutorial show you how to make a simple gold material with Blender 3D - version 2.79 .
The base of this tutorial come from this link.
Open a new scene and add your object. Select the render from Blender Render to Cycles Render from top of the Blender 3D software.
Create a new material click on Use Nodes button from Material tab.
The next step is to chose screen layout to Compositing.
You will see a Node Editor and set this to Shader to edit your material.
In this window you can change the material object from default Diffuse BSDF to new gold material. 
Use Shift A keys to search and add all you need to make the gold material.
This is the result of nodes for this material: