
joi, 17 aprilie 2014

Blender 3D version 2.7 a .

Blender 2.70a is the latest stable release from the Blender Foundation. 
To download it, please select your platform and location.
Blender 2.70a was released on April 11, 2014 
The release logs for this release can be found here.

duminică, 13 aprilie 2014

Puppet 2D - skeletal animation tool for Unity 3D.

Puppet 2D is a 2D skeletal animation tool for Unity 3D that allows you to quickly set-up your 2D character for animating.
With this tool you can create 2D skeletons, skin your characters to the bones, and create really easy to use controls that make animating 2D characters a breeze. With Puppet 2D you can quickly create bones to control your characters.
You can create easy to use controls like IK controls that will make it really simple and intuitive to pose your characters. Puppet 2D allows you to convert Unity sprites into polygon meshes that can be skinned to the bones for more subtle mesh deformation.
puppet2d promo from Jamie Niman on Vimeo.

sâmbătă, 5 aprilie 2014

News - Blend4Web framework.

The new framework for authoring and interactive rendering of three-dimensional graphics and audio in browsers is named Blend4Web.
This software let you to creating visualizations, presentations, online-shops, games and other rich internet applications.
The Blend4Web framework is a library for web pages, a Blender addon and some tools integrated tightly with 3D modeling and animation tool Blender.
You can download it from here.

marți, 1 aprilie 2014

News: Romanian first game ...

This game come with side scrolling shooter and puzzle elements based on the Unity engine.
You can use this keys to control the game:
W, A, D - movement 
R - reload 
SPACE - use
SHIFT - run 
ESC - pause 
MOUSE - Aim and Fire 
The game can be downloaded from here. You can also see more about this game :

duminică, 23 martie 2014

News - UNREAL ENGINE 4 dropped the price.

Now developers everywhere can take advantage of the fully featured toolset, integrated systems and the full C++ source code open for all for 19$ per months, 5% royalties.
Unreal Engine 4 provides an entire ecosystem, support Oculus VR, Linux, Valve’s Steamworks and Steam Box and deployment of games to web browsers via HTML5.

vineri, 21 martie 2014

News : Blender 3D come with new version 2.70

The Blender Foundation and online developer community come with news about Blender 2.70. The new version 2.70 include initial support for volumetrics in Cycles, and faster rendering of hair and textures, motion tracker now supports weighted tracks and also over 560 bugs that existed in previous releases have been fixed. Working with mesh modeling is more simple because there are new Laplacian deform and wireframe modifiers. The game engine now supports object levels of detail and also python scripting API makes it a highly programmable NPR rendering engine. Come with new addons in this version: Sketchfab Online Integration and Node Wrangler (aka Nodes Efficiency Tools). The interface is more consistent and powerful.