jPCT-AE is a port of jPCT to Android (AE is from Android Edition). Like any port it's not just a new renderer for the normal version of jPCT to be more suitable for the Android platform.
Some features :
- optimized for the Android platform
- supports OpenGL ES 1.x and 2.0 on Android 1.5 or higher
- loads 3DS, OBJ, MD2, ASC and serialized files
- keyframe animations (taken from a MD2-file or self defined)
- skeletal animations via raft's Bones API
- shader support via GLSL for OpenGL ES 2.0
- vertex, ambient, diffuse and specular lighting
- build-in primitives like cones, cubes, spheres...
- render to texture
- texture compression
- collision detection (ray-polygon, sphere-polygon and ellipsoid-polygon)
- generates vertex-, face- and tangent normals automatically
- pixel perfect, geometry based picking
- transparency and fog effects
- billboarding
- lens flares
- single pass multi texturing using up to 4 texture stages (if hardware supports it)
- support for VBOs, FBOs and vertex arrays
Screenshots can be view here.