
joi, 29 august 2024

News : Nix in 100 Seconds from Fireship.

Nix is a purely functional package manager and config tool. It also takes form as a fully-fledged Linux distro called NixOS.

News : Walkthrough Series: Interaction Settings.

... I find a good application on android play to create many types of files SVG files. You can use SVG files in Godot game engine.

miercuri, 28 august 2024

News : Neva – Release Date Trailer – Nintendo Switch

... the old game Neva from last year now is comming on Nintendo Swithch.
You can find the old game on the steam - official website.

News : 2023 J Cup Solo Champion Weapon Skin | NARAKA: Bladepoint

I don't know why is 2023 in title ...

sâmbătă, 24 august 2024

... a SimCity Game with JavaScript & Three.js !

You can find the playlist with these videos tutorials on this youtube channel - named : Dan Greenheck.

News : Starfield - REV-8 HOW TO GET IT

... the Intellisent comes with this video tutorial about REV-8 ...

Cobalt - online tool for download video.

Here is a bad internet from Vodafone provider, before I return on city ... with a lot of gaps and hacking, and I used this online tool to see offline videos.

News : Valorant - Vyse Agent Announce Trailer | PS5 Games

News : about Godot and C# development and Microsoft .

While I was watching a quest related to Godot and C# on YouTube, the correct answer was:
The implementation of the C# language in Godot was made based on a Microsoft donation.
I don't know if it is 100% true, but any improvement is welcome and appreciated!!!

News : Create Amazing Effects with this FREE Godot Addon !

vineri, 23 august 2024

News : Cyberpunk 2077 goes Hyper-Realistic ... 8K video demo real!

This is an 8K video ... see on NextGenDreams - youtube channel !
They have this hardware:
Everything is recorded on this system:
Chassi: NZXT Elite H5 Black
MB: NZXT Z790 Black
GPU: Nvidia Geforce RTX 4090 (MSI SUPRIM)
CPU: Intel Core i9-13900KS
RAM: Corsair 64GB DDR 5 6000MHz CL30
Cooling System: NZXT Kraken Elite 240 Black
SSD: Samsung 990 PRO M.2 NVMe 2TB

News : news ... from Funcom game development.

... new videos from last days, from Funcom, with games !!!

luni, 19 august 2024

News : Blacksmith Master Release Date Announcement Trailer.

News : New Goodnotes 6 Features you NEED to try!

On Sept 1, 2024, we're no longer supporting iOS/iPadOS 15 and macOS 12!
Now, this works on : iOS, Android, Windows, Web.
For windows the price is $6.99 per year, with a 1-week free trial.
... video tutorial from Kayla Le Roux - official youtube channel

duminică, 18 august 2024

sâmbătă, 17 august 2024

News : Creator online tool for assembly with a good design.

This is an online tool for assembly proramming comes with example and a good interface.
CREATOR is a generic teaching simulator to program in assembly in which you can simulate the operation of different architectures on the same tool. This simulator is designed to be used as a tool in which students can put into practice the brews seen in the theoretical classes of the subjects of Architecture and Computer Structure.
You can find this tool on this webpage with examples included RISC-V and MIPS-32.

joi, 15 august 2024

News : Godot 4.3 new released.

With over 3,500 commits authored by over 500 contributors, the latest Godot Engine release comes packed full of new features and
Read more on the official webpage.

Codapi an interactive code playground service.

Interactive code examples for all types of technical writing.
Embed executable code snippets directly into your product documentation, online course or blog post.
Supports 30 playgrounds out of the box, plus custom sandboxes if you need them.
You can run in-browser playgrounds without a server, use the Codapi cloud, or host a sandbox server yourself.
Read more on the official website.

CodePen : Home RoughJS and Wired elements example .

News : Two Point Museum - Announcement Trailer | PS5 Games

luni, 12 august 2024

News : Millennia: Ancient Worlds | Release Trailer

News : FencerDevLog - Godot 4: Screen glitch shader (tutorial) .

... more video tutorials from FencerDevLog - official youtube channel .

FASM : play a wav file with assembly programming language.

... this source code in FASM will play a hexa file using a window with two buttons, see my comments to deal with 'how to do it' ... :
; sound player example , tested with tada.wav from windows os
; convert wav file with
; online tool
; to text from tool , then add 'db ' in the front of text file like this:
; db 0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46,
; this : 0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, is header for RIFF WAV file format

format PE GUI 4.0
entry start

include 'INCLUDE\'

ID_CAPTION         = 101
ID_MESSAGE         = 102
ID_ICONERROR       = 201
ID_TOPMOST         = 301

section '.text' code readable executable


        invoke  GetModuleHandle,0
        invoke  DialogBoxParam,eax,37,HWND_DESKTOP,DialogProc,0
        invoke ExitProcess,0

proc DialogProc hwnddlg,msg,wparam,lparam
        push    ebx esi edi
        cmp     [msg],WM_INITDIALOG
        je      .wminitdialog
        cmp     [msg],WM_COMMAND
        je      .wmcommand
        cmp     [msg],WM_CLOSE
        je      .wmclose
        xor     eax,eax
        jmp     .finish

        jmp     .processed
        cmp     [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + IDCANCEL    ; stop
        je      .player_stop

        cmp     [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + IDOK
        je      .player_play

        jmp     .processed

        invoke play, NULL, NULL, NULL     ; stop
        jmp     .processed

        invoke play, sndFile, NULL, 0x0004 or 0x0001 ; 0x0004 = SND_MEMORY + ASYNC = 0x0001
        jmp     .processed

        invoke  EndDialog,[hwnddlg],0

        mov     eax,1
        pop     edi esi ebx

section '.bss' readable writeable

  sndFile :
           ;db 'Sound.wav',0
  include '';
section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

  import winmm,\
          play, 'PlaySound'

  import kernel,\

  import user,\

section '.rsrc' resource data readable

  directory RT_DIALOG,dialogs

  resource dialogs,\

  dialog demonstration,'SoundPlayer / _ (typedef)',70,76,110,30,WS_CAPTION+WS_POPUP+WS_SYSMENU+DS_MODALFRAME
    dialogitem 'BUTTON','Play',IDOK,10,10,45,15,WS_VISIBLE
    dialogitem 'BUTTON','Stop',IDCANCEL,54,10,45,15,WS_VISIBLE

sâmbătă, 10 august 2024

FASM : take a screenshot with assembly programming language.

From my old assembly projects, this is a source code that take an screenshot of your display.
format PE GUI 4.0

include 'INCLUDE\'

struct GdiplusStartupInput
  GdiplusVersion	   dd ?
  DebugEventCallback	   dd ?
  SuppressBackgroundThread dd ?
  SuppressExternalCodecs   dd ?

struct ImageCodecInfo
  Clsid 	    db 16 dup ?
  FormatID	    db 16 dup ?
  CodecName	    dd ?
  DllName	    dd ?
  FormatDescription dd ?
  FilenameExtension dd ?
  MimeType	    dd ?
  Flags 	    dd ?
  Version	    dd ?
  SigCount	    dd ?
  SizeSize	    dd ?
  SigPattern	    dd ?
  SigMask	    dd ?

section '.text' code readable executable

entry $

	invoke	GdiplusStartup,token,input,NULL
	test	eax,eax
	jnz	exit

	invoke	GdipGetImageEncodersSize,encoders_count,encoders_size
	test	eax,eax
	jnz	gdiplus_shutdown
	invoke	VirtualAlloc,0,[encoders_size],MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE
	test	eax,eax
	jz	gdiplus_shutdown
	mov	ebx,eax
	invoke	GdipGetImageEncoders,[encoders_count],[encoders_size],ebx
	test	eax,eax
	jnz	gdiplus_shutdown
	mov	esi,[ebx+ImageCodecInfo.MimeType]
	mov	edi,encoder_mimetype
	mov	ecx,(encoder_clsid-encoder_mimetype) shr 1
	repe	cmpsw
	je	encoder_found
	add	ebx,sizeof.ImageCodecInfo
	dec	[encoders_count]
	jnz	scan_encoders
	; no encoder found
	jmp	gdiplus_shutdown
	lea	esi,[ebx+ImageCodecInfo.Clsid]
	mov	edi,encoder_clsid
	mov	ecx,4
	rep	movsd
	invoke	VirtualFree,ebx,0,MEM_RELEASE

	test	eax,eax
	jz	gdiplus_shutdown
	mov	esi,eax
	invoke	GetSystemMetrics,SM_CYSCREEN
	mov	[screen_height],eax
	invoke	GetSystemMetrics,SM_CXSCREEN
	mov	[screen_width],eax
	invoke	CreateCompatibleBitmap,esi,[screen_width],[screen_height]
	test	eax,eax
	jz	release_desktop_dc
	mov	ebx,eax
	invoke	CreateCompatibleDC,esi
	test	eax,eax
	jz	delete_bitmap
	mov	edi,eax
	invoke	SelectObject,edi,ebx
	test	eax,eax
	jz	delete_dc
	invoke	BitBlt,edi,0,0,[screen_width],[screen_height],esi,0,0,SRCCOPY
	test	eax,eax
	jz	delete_dc

	invoke	GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP,ebx,NULL,gdip_bitmap
	test	eax,eax
	jnz	delete_dc

	invoke	GdipSaveImageToFile,[gdip_bitmap],file_name,encoder_clsid,NULL

	invoke	GdipDisposeImage,[gdip_bitmap]
	invoke	DeleteObject,edi
	invoke	DeleteObject,ebx
	invoke	ReleaseDC,HWND_DESKTOP,esi
	invoke	GdiplusShutdown,[token]
	invoke	ExitProcess,0

section '.data' data readable writeable

  file_name du 'test.jpg',0

  encoder_mimetype du 'image/jpeg',0
	   .length = $ - encoder_mimetype
  encoder_clsid db 16 dup ?

  input GdiplusStartupInput 1
  token dd ?
  memdc dd ?
  gdip_bitmap dd ?

  encoders_count dd ?
  encoders_size dd ?

  screen_width dd ?
  screen_height dd ?

section '.rdata' data readable

data import

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\
	  gdiplus, 'GDIPLUS.DLL'

  include 'INCLUDE\API\'
  include 'INCLUDE\API\'
  include 'INCLUDE\API\'

  import  gdiplus,\

end data

duminică, 4 august 2024

FASM : writing on the screen with assembly programming language.

I haven't worked in assembly language for a long time. My favorite is FASM.
Here is an example of older source code that randomly displays some colored pixels.
If you change this line of source code, you will see that it is written directly on the screen from Windows 10:
invoke FindWindow,NULL,<'Random Pixels Screen'>
this is the result:
... using this you cannot be able to take a screenshot with Windows shortkeys:
invoke FindWindow,NULL,<'Random Pixels ...'>
This is the source code, if you want to test it:
format pe console
entry start


section '.code' code readable writeable executable 

     invoke GetStdHandle,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
     mov [stdout],eax
     mov [rect.Left],0
     mov [rect.Top],0
     mov [rect.Right],79
     mov [rect.Bottom],44
     mov [coord.x],8
     mov [coord.y],40
     mov [cinfo.dwSize],25
     mov [cinfo.bVisible],FALSE
     cinvoke system,<'cls'>
     cinvoke srand,<cinvoke time,NULL>
     invoke SetConsoleTitle,<'Random Pixels Screen'>
     invoke SetConsoleWindowInfo,[stdout],1,rect
     invoke SetConsoleScreenBufferSize,[stdout],dword[coord]   
     invoke SetConsoleCursorInfo,[stdout],cinfo
     invoke FindWindow,NULL,<'Random Pixels ...'>
     mov [hWnd],eax
     invoke GetDC,[hWnd]
     mov [hdc],eax
     cinvoke rand
     shl eax,9
     push eax
     cinvoke rand
     pop ecx
     add eax,ecx
     mov esi,eax
     invoke SetPixel,[hdc],<stdcall rnd,640>,<stdcall rnd,100>,esi
     cinvoke _kbhit
     test eax,eax
     jz @b
     invoke ExitProcess,0

proc rnd max
     cinvoke rand 
     shl eax,17
     mul [max]
     mov eax,edx            

section '.data' data readable writeable

struc COORD {
     .x dw ?
     .y dw ?

struc SMALL_RECT {
     .Left dw ?
     .Top dw ?
     .Right dw ?
     .Bottom dw ?

     .dwSize dd ?
     .bVisible db ?
     rect SMALL_RECT
     coord COORD     
     stdout dd ?
     hWnd dd ?
     hdc dd ?

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

     library kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\
     import gdi32,\
     import user32,\
     import kernel32,\     
     import msvcrt,\

News : Inkscape Is About To Revolutionize The Shape Builder | v1.4 Beta Update

Inkscape : Create an extension for inkscape.

You can create your own extensions in inkscape with all features you need to improve the working area.
One extension can have minimum two file: the basic Python source code and another file with the graphic user interface ...
The source code of Python file can be link with the G.U.I. source code type file INX.
The source code for python can be customized and this is the main reason is no need to add it here.
Let's see the source code for the INX file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
    <name>Default extension example</name>
    <param name="tab" type="notebook">
        <page name="Options" gui-text="Options">
            <param name="value_int" type="int" min="0" max="9" gui-text="INT type value from 0 up to 9 : ">10</param>
            <param name="value_bool" type="bool" gui-text="BOOL value set to false : ">false</param>
            <param name="value_space" type="float" gui-text="FLOAT value set to 0.1 custom range min 0.0 up max=99.0 : " min="0.0" max="99.0">0.1</param>
                <param name="option_group selection" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Options :">
                <option value="1">1</option>
                <option value="2">2</option>
                <option value="3">3</option>
		<param name="grouppick" type="bool" gui-text="selection pick ..." gui-description="This is gui-description">false</param>
            <param name="pickmode" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="pick values group:">
                <option value="first">first</option>
                <option value="second">second</option>
        <page name="Help" gui-text="Help for default extension example">
            <label xml:space="preserve">This is example of default extension example
	You can use this INX file and PY files type named 'default_extension_example'</label>
            <submenu name="catafest"/>
        <command location="inx" interpreter="python"></command>
Bellow you can see some screenshots with these result

sâmbătă, 3 august 2024

News : Quick Gaea 2.0 to Blender Workflow

Gaea 2.0 is now available for everyone!
Gaea 2.0, one of the best tools for generating landscapes quickly, is finally out! And that means it's time for a introductory tutorial. In today's video I will introduce you to this tool, its erosion, masking and texturing tools - and at the end, we'll export everything to Blender.
You can download this software from the official website.
See this video tutorial about how can be used with Blender 3D software, from Martin Klekner - youtube channel.

vineri, 2 august 2024

News : Opening Night Live Teaser | Gamescom | Predecessor

Predecessor redefines the modern MOBA genre, blending stunning realistic environments with explosive third-person action.

News : Teamfight Tactics - free on Epic Games.

... now is free on Epic Games :
Magic n' Mayhem is Teamfight Tactic's 12th set and it brings with it a jam-packed series of changes including charms, new unique champions to TFT like Norra ...

News : World of Goo 2 Official Trailer.